Tag: Civic Coalition

Could there be early Polish elections? Internal power struggle breaks out among ruling left-liberal coalition

Left-liberal Civic Coalition (KO) considers calling early parliamentary elections amid political struggles

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Polish liberal’s EU election victory was ‘very bad’ for the country, says former speaker

In the aftermath of the closely contested European Parliament elections in Poland,…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Poland: Conservative Law and Justice party leads in latest local election poll

In a poll published three days before the local government elections, Law…

John Cody John Cody

Polish elections: Risky change in neo-barbarian times

There won't be a heated civil war because it turns out the…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk