‘No heating or hot water’ – Moldova faces energy crisis after Ukraine ends gas agreement with Russia’s Gazprom
Moldova's energy crisis could benefit Russia over the long term
Poland to send weapons and ammunition to Moldova to avoid ‘internal destabilization’
Poland has decided to transfer equipment and supplies, including weapons and ammunition,…
Crisis-hit Moldova is now importing 90% of its electricity supplies from Romania
Moldova has major electricity supply problems after Russia bombed Ukraine's civilian energy…
The absurd drama of EU enlargement
The enlargement process of the European Union is an absurd drama, and…
Ukraine, Moldova become EU candidates, but Balkans region is left out in the cold
While the leaders of the 27 EU member states approved the membership…
Hungary backs EU membership accession talks for Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina should be included in the group of membership candidates…
As Ukraine inches closer to EU candidate status, Georgia asks, ‘What about us?’
The European Commission has preliminarily agreed to grant EU candidate country status…
Poland’s president calls for new NATO strategy after meeting leaders in Romania, Moldova and Bulgaria
NATO needs to reassess its strategic conception to adapt to a new…
After Russia cuts gas to Moldova, Poland steps in to fill the void
With Poland's latest deal with Moldova, Poland continues to support energy diversification…
It is my dream that Moldova will join the Three Seas, says Polish President Duda
Moldova, Europe's poorest country and caught in a struggle war between Russia…
Three former Soviet republics sign intent to join the EU
The leaders of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine signed a declaration at an…
Moldova elects pro-Western politician Maia Sandu as president
Major news networks and publications are taking heat for failing to report…