Babis: We need a strong Europe

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2 Min Read

Apart from the Euro, the Czech PM is interested in the new budget, immigration issues and Brexit. 

“What we need now is a strong Europe. Europe has problems; we now need unity in foreign and trade policy. Just look at the business dispute with Donald Trump, the development with Putin and Turkey, which as a partner in NATO buys Russian weapons,” Babis said during an interview with German daily Bild.

The head of the Czech government expressed the opinion that the elections to the European Parliament next year will show what the “silent majority” thinks about migration. He rejected claims that refugees needed to be admitted to the EU and that they needed protection. “In my view, they are all economic migrants. I consider them illegal immigrants; young people who aren’t fleeing from war,” Babiš said. 

Adopting the Euro was also discussed. According to Babiš, however, it is not the key topic. The Czech Republic is not yet ready to adopt the common currency and it is also necessary to reform the Eurozone, because there are countries that do not fulfill the Maastricht criteria for deficit and debt.

As in the recent past, Babis also repeatedly expressed the conviction that the Communists do not influence his government and guaranteed that there is no corruption in his government. “For me, money has long been no motivation,” said the politician who is currently being prosecuted for suspicion of subsidy fraud.

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