Tag: immigration

What do Poles fear? Anxieties over war, immigration, and extreme weather are growing

A comprehensive survey reveals a shift in the anxieties of Poles, with…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Foreigners to blame for sky-rocketing crime stats, says Bavarian interior minister

An increasing migrant population has contributed significantly to a spike in crime…

Thomas Brooke Thomas Brooke

Poles flocking back to Poland, the land of opportunity

According to a recent study published by the portal Wszystkoconajwazniejsze.pl, Poles have…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Poles do not trust Donald Tusk to defend the country from mass migration

The leader of the Polish opposition, Donald Tusk, is facing an uphill…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Polish government plans to accept up to 400,000 immigrants a year

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to facilitate immigration to Poland…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Germany’s interior minister accused of falsifying asylum numbers to cover up migrant crisis

Germany's interior minister, Nancy Faeser, is being hit with serious allegations that…


Portugal: Almost 300,000 of the roughly 500,000 inhabitants of Lisbon are immigrants

The number of immigrants residing in Portugal has never been so high,…

German labor research agency demands more ‘targeted immigration’

German economic and labor market researcher Enzo Weber has called for "more…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Migrant crisis: Greece stopped over 150,000 border-crossings so far this year

Greece halted more than 150,000 illegal immigrants at its borders this year,…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Salvini promises stricter border controls from Lampedusa migrant camp

Matteo Salvini has promised the protection of the European and Italian borders,…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Austria launches anti-immigration ad campaign targeted at the Middle East, Africa and Asia

Austria is launching an online information campaign against illegal immigration, Austrian Interior…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Giorgia Meloni shares video of woman being raped by migrant, global left-wing press flies into rage

Left-wing media giants like CNN and Reuters appear to be more angered…

John Cody John Cody

Sweden: Immigration minister wants to limit the number of non-Nordic immigrants in ‘sensitive neighborhoods’

Swedish Migration Minister Anders Ygeman has suggested that Sweden follow the example…


UK: Leadership hopefuls pledge to crack down on illegal immigration

The two contenders to replace Boris Johnson as the leader of the…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

German government plans to make immigration easier to fill 1.7 million vacancies

Bureaucracy and formalities should no longer prevent German employers from hiring skilled…


Syrian national arrested on suspicion of murder of German teen found dead in sewage treatment plant

German authorities have arrested a 35-year-old Syrian national on suspicion of the…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Asylum applications in Germany soar by 44% in first half of year

The number of asylum applications in Germany rose sharply in the first…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

‘Without Hungary, Europe would already be lost,’ says Austrian MEP

Europe is more concerned with gender ideology and the welfare of illegal…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Italian police take down violent ‘Arab Zone 90133’ gang in Palermo

Italian police say they have dismantled a criminal gang called 'Arab Zone…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Almost all 5,000 gang members in Sweden are either 1st- or 2nd-generation migrants

The urban crime gangs dominating Swedish cities are almost exclusively made up…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Asylum applications almost double across EU so far this year, and only a small fraction are from Ukraine

Immigration into the European Union has almost doubled this year compared to…

65% of French people feel there is too much immigration in their country

Almost two-thirds of French people believe that immigration levels are too high…

Majority of Dutch want asylum seekers settled in their own countries

About two-thirds of Dutch residents believe that asylum seekers for humanitarian or…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Number of Syrians granted citizenship in Germany tripled in 2021

The number of Syrian nationals granted citizenship in Germany tripled last year…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Spain’s Vox party calls for stronger European border after riots in Paris reveal danger of ‘multicultural hot spots’

Spain's national-conservative Vox party is seeking to raise a debate in the…

John Cody John Cody

As migration numbers explode, Salvini points out that he is still on trial for defending Italy’s borders

With immigration surging due to favorable weather, Italian League party leader Matteo…

John Cody John Cody

Famed German author speaks out against mass immigration, slams left-wing parties for silencing dissent

The German government's actions in relation to migration reveal the need for…

John Cody John Cody

The UK government shocks observers with a host of new genuinely conservative bills

The government of Boris Johnson has faced an endless list of accusations…

John Cody John Cody

‘Jean-Luc Mélenchon is betting on the Great Replacement to gain power,’ says French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut

Veteran leftist French prime ministerial candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon is counting on the…

John Cody John Cody

Berlin clan seeks vigilante revenge after member stabbed to death, fears of a clan war grow

Relatives of Mohammed R., who was killed on May 1 in Berlin,…

John Cody John Cody

Bock-Côté: Immigration weakens social cohesion, creates conflict

Immigration is creating heterogeneous pockets of society that lack normal cohesion, Canadian…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

After Muslim riots in Sweden, Swedish PM says integration has failed, immigrants fuel gang crime

Sweden has failed to integrate the large numbers of migrants the country…

John Cody John Cody

‘I don’t feel like I’m in Belgium’ – Socialist leader claims multicultural Brussels neighborhood seems like a foreign land

The Brussels district of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, known for its large Muslim population, is…

John Cody John Cody

Border patrols stopped over 1,000 illegal crossing attempts over Easter weekend

While Hungary is doing its best to assist the refugees fleeing the…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Britain will send Channel migrants to Rwanda

Wrapped in a conspicuous concern for refugees and misplaced anger diverted towards…

John Cody John Cody

France’s former intelligence chief warns against possible civil war due to mass immigration

France and Europe must abandon mass immigration and radically change their immigration…

Olivier Bault Olivier Bault

Only Zemmour promises to stop demographic replacement in France

In the forthcoming French presidential election, votes should go to a candidate…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

‘Peoples are not interchangeable populations,’ Bock-Côté says in heated French immigration debate

Peoples as a whole are not just interchangeable elements of population that…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

French constitutional court vows to block Zemmour or Le Pen’s immigration laws if either wins

Conservative candidates Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour, if elected, will not…

Olivier Bault Olivier Bault

Mass migration from Africa and the Middle East ‘can make France greater,’ Macron claims

Immigrants from across the Mediterranean are an opportunity for France to make…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Denmark continues strict immigration policies, and Danes are supportive

EU immigration and border control are on the agenda of the European…

John Cody John Cody

40 Czech police deployed to Hungary to help protect Serbian border

As part of the border police cooperation of the Visegrád nations, another…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Germany prepares its own funeral

The European Union, and its most important member state, Germany, today offers…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Hungarian authorities open fire on rogue vehicle smuggling illegal migrants

In the second incident in as many weeks, Hungarian authorities have fired…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Renowned French demographer criticizes colleagues’ lies on immigration, says their goal is to refute the Great Replacement

Michèle Tribalat, a renowned French demographer, has just published a book in…

Olivier Bault Olivier Bault

Iraqi national accused of raping 90-year-old woman in wheelchair at German hospital

A 33-year-old Iraqi national has appeared before a criminal court in Germany…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

French political commentator slams parallel societies, labels them national security threat

Parallel societies have become the main cause of insecurity in France, Canadian…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Two-thirds of Swiss inmates were foreigners in 2020

Last year, two-thirds of inmates in Swiss prisons were foreign nationals, data…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Prague ranks 7th in list of best cities for expats

More and more people — especially those just entering the labor market…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

Zemmour: France will die from excessive immigration

The Great Replacement is a reality and because of it, excessive immigration…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Denmark’s left-wing government wants to deport immigrant criminals to Kosovo

The Danish government intends to place criminal asylum seekers who are waiting…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Salvini says Italian government wants to double immigration

Despite his empty words on distributing migrants within the European Union, the…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

‘We have space’ – German NGOs want more migrants, protest in front of Bundestag

Pro-migrant organizations protested on Sunday with over 6,000 ​​green lights in front…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Austria’s Freedom Party wants stricter immigration controls, fears new German government

The rising number of asylum seekers in Austria is cause for gave…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Barnier says France has lost control of migration

France has lost control of immigration and a sense of impunity prevails…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Majority of Germans say government didn’t handle migration crisis well: poll

More than half (53 percent) of Germans are of the opinion that…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

German interior minister: EU must help Poland combat illegal migration

Fearing a migrant invasion, German Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer called on…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Report: Immigration from non-Western countries costs Denmark $5 billion annually

In a newly released annual report, the Danish Ministry of Finance revealed that…

Robert Robert

Latvia extends state of emergency on Belarus border

Taking into account the pressure caused by illegal migration, the Latvian government…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Mass migration a present threat to Poland, Hungarian study shows

While Poland faces increasing pressure from the Belarussian regime, (mass) immigration is…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Denmark: Former minister joins populists in plan to deport 50,000 migrants 

Inger Støjberg, Denmark’s former immigration minister and ex-deputy chairman of the Liberal…

Robert Robert

Nearly half of France supports full migration stop

More than four in ten French want to reduce the number of…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

French mayor says foreigners are ‘ethnically cleansing’ French natives in certain neighborhoods

In certain French regions, the immigrants who settled there are harassing the…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Central European interior ministers agree on border defense

It is obvious that illegal immigration is not only a problem for…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Migration pressure on Hungary keeps growing, 80,000 illegal crossings recorded in 2021

Hungary has experienced a continuous wave of migration pressure in 2021, with…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Hungary fully supports Lithuanian efforts to stem illegal immigration

Hungary is in full support of Lithuanian and Polish efforts to stem…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

German president calls for greater appreciation of migrants while praising worst-integrated migrant group

Germany is a country with an immigrant background, and its wealth and…

John Cody John Cody

Hungary releases shocking video of migrants crossing border fences

On Saturday, the Hungarian government released a video on its Facebook page…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Hungarian justice minister is against a ‘European empire’

With the political season in full swing again, Hungarian Justice Minister Varga…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Zemmour would ban foreign names in France

Names like Mohammad could be banned if popular French author and commentator…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

EU parliament says taking in Afghans a matter of ‘moral responsibility’

While several member states of the European Union have already or are…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Hungary offers to help Poland defend its borders

Hungarian President János Áder offered his country's assistance and experience to Poland…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

4 out of 5 Hungarians want border fence to remain

Eighty-one percent of Hungarian society is in favor of Hungary continuing to…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Danish minister: It was wrong to criticize Hungary’s strict immigration policies

"It was a mistake to criticize Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

People of European origin on course to become minority in France’s urban areas

Maps published by France Stratégie, an official counseling body working for the…

Olivier Bault Olivier Bault

50 boats of migrants arrive on Italy’s shores

About 50 boats full of people arrived last weekend on the island…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Orbán, Meloni say migration must be stopped

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán held talks in Rome with Giorgia Meloni,…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

The Finns Party leader: Our target is zero asylum seekers

The newly elected leader of Finland’s national-conservative party has expressed concern over…

Robert Robert

Afghan criminals are sneaking back to Europe on board military planes

In another sign of how chaotic the evacuation of people from Afghanistan…

John Cody John Cody

Hungary is lucky to have a leader who recognizes the dangers of mass immigration, says French author and former service member

Former French Air Force pilot Jacques Guillemain recently published his book, entitled…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Hungary will continue defending EU’s borders, Justice Minister Varga says

"Following the events in Afghanistan, the topic of migration is once again…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Sweden pays Syrian rapist €80,000 in ‘damages’

In a shocking sentence, a Malmö court awarded a Syrian rapist 840,000…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Sweden’s murder rate rises with immigration

Sweden is at the top of Europe - when it comes to…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

Migrants in the Netherlands lose trust in the state the longer they stay

"Non-Western" immigrants arriving in the Netherlands initially have more trust in public…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Belarus unleashes Iraqi migrants on Lithuania

The policy of deliberately encouraging migration appears to be the Belarussian regime's…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Danish NGOs to sue government over nation’s strict immigration controls

Under an amendment to the law passed in June, those wishing to…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Greeks fed up with migrant vandalism

Residents of Malacca in Greece are demanding the closure of a nearby…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Swedes afraid of rise in migrant crime

Once again, children were hit in Sweden by criminal gangs shooting at…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Kurz says Austria won’t stop deportations to Afghanistan following rape and murder of 13-year-old girl

Growth seen fueled by exports and strong domestic consumption

admin admin

Poll: 6 in 10 French people in favor of a referendum to limit immigration

A similar attack took place a week ago in Bratislava

admin admin