Outrage in Germany after woman convicted for ‘insulting’ migrant gang rapists and hit with longer jail term than the rapists

The case is now being used to highlight Germany's twisted justice system

By Remix News Staff
8 Min Read

A case from Germany has made international headlines and even attracted the attention of Elon Musk after a 20-year-old woman was sentenced for a longer prison term than a group of men who were convicted of gang-raping a 14-year-old girl in Hamburg.

The original gang rape dates back to 2020 and was a case covered by Remix News at the time. It involved a 15-year-old girl was who raped by nine men in Stadtpark for hours. With the exception of one convicted rapist, all were given suspended sentences and did not receive any prison time.

However, a 20-year-old woman has now been forced to serve a longer prison sentence than the actual gang rapists. On Wednesday last week, the woman was sentenced in the Wandsbek district court for “insult and threat” due to a message she left one of the rapists, calling him a “dishonorable rapist pig” and a “disgusting miscarriage,” and also asking him: “Aren’t you ashamed when you look in the mirror?”

The woman did not know the perpetrator but saw his number circulating on the web after it was leaked by internet sleuths trying to mete out extrajudicial justice in the wake of the lenient verdict.

Due to the conviction, the woman was forced to spend a weekend in prison, which was more prison time than any of the foreign perpetrators received.

The incredibly brutal rape dates back to 2020

The case from 2020 took place in a popular spot for teens to hang out during Covid-19 lockdowns. The girl was eventually isolated from any other people in the park, at which point she was raped by the first group of four men, who robbed the girl of her phone and wallet; a second group of two men then raped her as well after hearing from the first rapists what had occurred.

The men then invited other groups of men via group chats, explaining where the girl was and that there were no witnesses near the defenseless victim. In addition, the rapists began sharing videos of their sexual assault, which the police were unable to recover, but which witnesses later described in court.

After the two men were done, a single man arrived and raped the teen, and afterward, a fourth group consisting of three men arrived and raped her as well. She was then able to finally flee the scene to a group of other individuals in the park who then called police to respond.

Although 11 were initially arrested, police were only able to identify sperm from nine of the men, and subsequent DNA samples confirmed their identities. The convicted men were from an extremely “multicultural” background, and as the German left would say, they were quite “bunt,” the German word for “colorful.” The convicted rapists were all foreign, including an Egyptian, an Afghani, a Syrian, a Kuwaiti, a Libyan, a Pole, an Armenian, and a Montenegrin. Some of the men had German citizenship but a foreign background. The men were represented by 20 different lawyers, and the trial ended up being an extremely expensive trial, courtesy of the German taxpayer.

The girl now suffers from PTSD, and during the trial, she testified about the attacks. According to German media, the men “showed no signs of remorse,” and one even reportedly nearly fell asleep.

The original verdict caused shock across Germany after eight out of the nine sex offenders, all men who had a migrant background, were given suspended sentences, according to juvenile law.

The only man who served any prison time was a 19-year-old Iranian who was given two years and nine months; however, he will serve his time in a juvenile center. He told the judge at the time regarding the rape: “What man doesn’t want that?”

More investigations underway?

However, the 20-year-old woman who “insulted” the rapists and was given a jail sentence may not be the only one, with prosecutors investigating up to 140 Germans who made “hateful” remarks in response to the verdict in the case.

The case is now attracting global attention, with even Elon Musk chiming in on X.

The German state is pursuing those who connect mass immigration to Germany’s soaring cases of rape and gang rape.

Earlier this year, Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician Marie-Thérèse Kaiser was convicted for publishing gang rape statistics in response to news that Afghan migrants would be moved to her district.

The 27-year-old politician was found guilty in the Verden regional court in Lower Saxony for “inciting hatred” against local Afghan workers and ordered to pay a fine of €6,000 and slapped with a criminal record.

The case relates back to a social media post from August 2021, in which she wrote: “Afghanistan refugees; Hamburg SPD mayor for ‘unbureaucratic’ admission; welcoming culture for gang rape?”

Gang rape and foreigners

As Remix News has continually chronicled, gang rapes carried out by foreign men have become common in Germany, a fact that Chancellor Angela Merkel’s former federal government has consistently overlooked when claiming that Germany’s migration story has been a success.

The case in Hamburg is being compared to another case in Freiburg, in which 10 migrants were convicted of raping an 18-year-old girl outside a nightclub, with eight of them from Syria and the rest from Iraq and Afghanistan.

In August, data contained in a report released by Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) revealed that an average of two women or girls are gang-raped in Germany each day, with foreigners making up roughly half of the suspected perpetrators. Despite making up just 13.7 percent of Germany’s population, foreigners were involved in approximately half of all gang rape cases.

The BKA’s report goes on to mention that men from majority-Muslim countries like Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan are disproportionally represented as gang-rape suspects.

The same phenomenon can be seen elsewhere in Western Europe, as well.  

Official crime figures in Denmark reveal that foreigners are vastly over-represented in rape convictions, with migrants comprising roughly one in four suspects found guilty of rape last year. Sweden shows even more troubling statistics.

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