Last week, Vice President of the European Commission (EC) Frans Timmermans announced the proposal for a series of changes in EU law which are meant to lead to total climate neutrality in Europe by 2050.
The project, which is being forced through by the EC, entails radical changes in several areas of EU member state economies which are to be financed from the pockets of EU citizens. The “Fit for 55” series of directives is meant to lead to the reduction of EU CO2 emission by 55 percent by 2030 and achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
Law and Justice (PiS) MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski critically responded to the announced directives and warned of social backlash.
Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, MEP:
Poland has found itself in the clutches of a vice.
Saryusz-Wolski warned that the EC is not considering the social and economic consequences of its actions and does not take into account that less wealthy EU states such as Poland will not be able to carry out energy transformation at the rate proposed by the EU.
The MEP pointed out that “from Poland’s point of view, coal cannot be used because it is too emissive, nor can gas be used due to emissions, and nuclear energy is out of the question because Germany opposes it. Therefore, all Poland is left with is wind energy.”
“Poland has found itself in the clutches of a vice,” he emphasized.

Saryusz-Wolski warned that Poland will be – using Mrs. Katarina Barley’s words – “energy-starved” due to these directives. “It is fortunate that we are prepared when it comes to gas, owing to the Baltic Pipe Scandinavian link and LNG gas terminal in Świnoujście,” noticed the Polish MEP.
“Energy prices will soar in general. Poorer societies will not manage and even the wealthier ones will see opposition. We are facing a social revolt and some changes will come to this project. This plan is insane, because Europe is responsible only for 9 percent of CO2 emissions, while 600 coal mines are being built in Asia and other regions. This is an ideological policy,” he declared.
The MEP also stressed that the EU’s plans are beginning to have a geopolitical dimension, as they will lead to Poland being dependent on Russia and Germany.
Title image of Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, MEP. (source: Saryusz-Wolski FB page.)