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The most peaceful country in the world? A series of shootings and stabbings shakes Iceland

Will Iceland lose its status as the most peaceful country in the…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

Orbán is the ‘only authentic statesman in Europe,’ says former Czech president

Former Czech President Václav Klaus sees Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as…

Lucie Ctverakova Lucie Ctverakova

VIDEO: 3 French police officers beaten by 15 ‘youths’ during arrest

A police unit from the Rouen police in northern France was violently…

Lucie Ctverakova Lucie Ctverakova

Germany rejects mandatory vaccination in major blow to Lauterbach and the Greens

The German Bundestag has rejected mandatory vaccination against Covid-19 for everyone over…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

Asylum applications on the rise: 68% increase in first quarter of 2022

Europe has seen a dramatic increase in asylum applications in the first…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

Foreigners responsible for huge share of crime, according to latest German data

In Germany, the number of recorded crimes fell by 4.9 percent in…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff