PM Orbán backs ‘economic neutrality’ between East and West

Hungary must avoid all conflicts that force it to choose sides

By Dénes Albert
2 Min Read

Hungary’s new economic policy must be neutral and free of politics, particularly when it comes to trade with the East and the West, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said over the weekend at a countryside conservative meeting that serves as the traditional opening of the autumn political season.

“The new economic policy must be neutral. This means that we must resist any kind of intervention, we must stay out of the conflicts that force us to choose,” Viktor Orbán said in his speech at the picnic in the village of Kötcse, an excerpt of which he shared in his new video.

The prime minister said that deeper economic relations should be maintained with everyone for as long as possible. He also indicated that the economy should not be viewed through a political lens, but solely through the viability of the Hungarian economy. As he said, the first content of economic neutrality is financial neutrality.

“It is not possible to supply Hungary’s credit needs exclusively from a single financial market. This means that Brussels and London are not enough for us, we need Qatar, Beijing, Tokyo and our own voters to buy Hungarian government bonds,” he said.

According to Orbán, the second element of neutrality is investment neutrality. He indicated that investments are needed from both the West and the East. He mentioned market neutrality as the third element.

“It is worth exactly the same to us if China buys our products for the same price. This is not an ideological or political issue,” he said.

He also mentioned that when the Ukrainians stop the gas transport from Russia to our country, Hungary will be able to get the gas through the Turkish Stream, which was built in the meantime.

“These things do not happen by chance, there is an order to them,” he said.

SOURCES:Magyar Nemzet
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