Polish priest stabbed in French city of Nice right before Macron reelected

Source: Twitter/Kacper Kita
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
1 Min Read

A Polish priest has been hospitalized after being victim to an attack in the French city of Nice on Sunday morning, according to France’s Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin.

French authorities confirmed the incident which took place at 10 a.m. in the Saint-Pierre d’Arene Church in the center of Nice. The priest was admitted to hospital following the attack and his life is not believed to be in danger.

According to witnesses, a man armed with a knife entered the church just minutes before a scheduled service and attacked the priest with the weapon, wounding him and also a nun who came to the priest’s assistance. The police stopped the assailant a few moments later.

The 57-year-old priest, a Polish immigrant who have been with the parish for many years was taken to hospital and treated for wounds to his chest and leg.

The perpetrator of the attack is a 31-year-old French citizen. According to police sources, the man has a history of mental illness and has on several occasions received treatment in psychiatric hospitals.  

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