When in 2016 the liberal news portal Politico reported on the first major salvos in George Soros’ takeover of the U.S. justice system, they euphemistically called it an “overhaul.”
Soros’ millions were starting to flood the campaign purses of progressive, anti-prosecution prosecutors, and no one seemed to have an answer to this assault. There were warnings already back then that enormous sums from a single oligarch with radical progressive views on society will distort the U.S. judicial landscape. Yet, back then, Soros was beyond reproach as the entire Democrat and global progressive establishment had lined up behind him during the peak of his crucial ideological battle with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán that followed the 2015 migrant invasion of Europe, partly financed and organized by Soros himself.

From a perspective of only five years, however, the consequences and, more importantly, the victims of Soros-backed prosecutors are hard to ignore.
In a recent summary of the devastation that these public officials have wreaked on American communities, the outspoken Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton sums up the results in an article, pointing the finger straight at George Soros’ network. In his view, during the last year, the U.S. has experienced the largest increase in murder rates and drug-related deaths in its history. For this, he puts the responsibility on what he calls far-left “legal arsonists” and points out that the most tangible and measurable breakdown in the rule of law happened precisely in those U.S. cities where Soros campaign money successfully put the most “progressive” officials in office, who view the justice system as systematically racist and want to demolish it.
“As a result, a contagion of crime has infected virtually every neighborhood under their charge,” claims Cotton.
Cotton references a number of examples to support his claim, for instance in Chicago, the Cook County state’s attorney Kim Foxx allows theft under $1,000 to go unpunished, Manhattan’s district attorney refuses to enforce laws against prostitution, and in Baltimore, the state’s attorney has unilaterally declared the war on drugs “over” and is refusing to criminally charge drug users in the middle of the worst drug crisis in American history.

The price these cities are paying for their far-left state attorney generals is devastating. Homicides in Chicago rose by 56 percent, in New York City murder increased 47 percent and shootings soared 97 percent.
Senator Cotton also points out that in 2020, the murder rate in Baltimore was higher than El Salvador and Guatemala, and this year the city’s murder rate is on track to be even higher. Murder in Los Angeles rose 36 percent last year and is on track to rise another 17 percent this year.
In Boston, another Soros-backed district attorney published a list of 15 crimes that she would refuse to prosecute except under special circumstances. Among the charges on her “do not prosecute” list were drug trafficking, malicious destruction of property, trespassing, driving with a revoked license, and resisting arrest.
As a result, the number of murders in Boston skyrocketed by 38 percent in 2020. In recognition for her “stellar” performance, President Joe Biden nominated her to take over the U.S. Attorney General’s office in Massachusetts, points out Cotton.
The worst of all example is the Soros prosecutor and far-left mayor run city of San Francisco, where the anarchy caused Chesa Boudin, who is the son of a couple convicted for murdering a police officer, is well reported. But Cotton also points out that part of Soros’ success in undermining the U.S. justice system and law and order on U.S. city streets was a soft-on-crime Republican Party, that tried to win applause from the liberals in order to attract moderate swing voters. Republicans, for instance, helped pass the pro-criminal First Step Act that reduced sentences for serious offenders, like drug dealers and child predators.

In Europe, Soros is still called a philanthropist and is regarded as a supporter of good causes, while the European Union’s establishment is utterly oblivious to the dangers that his influence brings. Criticism of the U.S. oligarch is still associated with far-right sentiments, and those pointing at the devastation that groups and individuals financed by his money bring are called anti-Semites. Perhaps Senator Cotton’s figures and observations can help our politicians get their bearings before Europe’s streets start resembling those of soon-to-be third-world San Francisco or Philadelphia.