Hungary wins nine medals at Euroskills competition

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Hungarian professionals have won three gold, three silver and three bronze medals at this year’s Euroskills competition, a European event held every two years for young professionals with the participation of 28 countries, Magyar Hírlap reports.

“There is a need for exacting, precise and conscientious work everywhere in the world,” Hungarian President János Áder said at the closing gala of the competition in Budapest.


Hungarian President János Áder speaks at the closing gala of the Euroskills 2018 competition in Budapest. (Image: MTI, Zsolt Szigetváry)

Dita Traidas, President of WorldSkills Europe praised the Hungarian organizers for their professionalism and said this year’s event raised the bar for future organizers – the next event will be held in Austria.

Among the 28 participating countries, Russia was placed first with a total of nine gold, eight silver and two bronze medals, followed by Austria, France, Hungary and Germany.

The fields for the skill competition are information and communication, manufacturing and engineering, construction and building, transportation and logistics, social and personal services, creative arts and fashion.

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