Poland’s Deputy Justice Minister Marcin Romanowski slammed the controversial Istanbul Convention as “genderist babble” and called for Poland to withdraw from the convention in a series tweets he posted this week.
On social media, Romanowski criticized the “Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence”, better known as the Istanbul Convention.
“The Istanbul Convention lists religion as a cause for violence against women. We want to withdraw from this genderist babble which was ratified by the Civic Platform (PO) and Polish People’s Party (PSL). Foreign opinions do not interest us. Our foundation is a sovereign nation state,” he wrote on Twitter.
The minister added that “teaching young boys to walk in dresses is not a method of combating violence.”
After the publication of tweet by deputy minister Romanowski the Ministry of Justice explained that the content of his tweets represents the political declaration of one of PiS’s coalition partners from United Poland and not the government’s official position on the issue, according to TVP Info.
Just this month, the Hungarian Parliament rejected the Istanbul Convention with an overwhelming majority of 115 to 35 on the grounds that it promotes gender theory and migration.
“We have a right to defend our country, our culture, our laws, traditions, and national values,” Hungarian KDNP caucus leader Lprinc Nacsa said about Hungary’s resolution.
The motion was sponsored by Hungary’s junior coalition partner the Christian Democratic Party (KDNP), which said that “the [Istanbul Convention] document wants to force upon countries the definition of social genders and with it the introduction of the destructive gender theory and also wants to force countries to grant asylum based on gender.”
Other countries in the region, such as Slovakia, have also rejected the Istanbul Convention.
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