US: Former Democrat lawmaker Tulsi Gabbard urges Biden to restore Trump’s border policy amid crisis

Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democratic congresswoman and presidential candidate from Hawaii, has…

Robert Robert

Gambia refuses to take back illegal migrants with EU deportation orders

The African country of The Gambia, headed by President Adama Barrow, is…

Robert Robert

Macron, liberal French government allocate €1 billion to healthcare for illegal migrants in 2022

French President Emmanuel Macron announced last week that the state's 2022 budget…

Robert Robert

Illegal migrants flood into Germany from Poland amid Lukashenko’s hybrid war

The number of illegal migrants making their way westward, from the geographical…

Robert Robert

British appeals court rules under-16s can take life-changing puberty blockers without parental consent 

A United Kingdom appeals court has ruled that doctors can prescribe life-changing…

Robert Robert

Germany’s pro-business FDP claims country needs 500,000 immigrants annually

The liberal, pro-business Free Democratic Party (FDP) is claiming that half a…

Robert Robert

‘There is a very real risk of civil war’ – France’s center-right presidential candidate Xavier Bertrand issues stark warning

Xavier Bertrand, an establishment conservative and one of France’s leading contenders for…

Robert Robert

Gay priest in Church of Sweden says he will no longer marry heterosexual couples

Long-time LGBTQ activist and openly gay priest in the Church of Sweden,…

Robert Robert