Mohammed removed from new Dutch translation of Dante’s Inferno

Forged test certificates usually come from the Ukrainian black market

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Foreigners come to work in Czechia with fraudulent COVID-19 tests

Swedish women could be reporting rapes from migrants more because they are…

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Women may be partly to blame for Sweden’s worrying migrant-rape statistics, claims new study

The party will not take part in negotiations until a new PM…

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The Freedom and Solidarity party suspends participation in the Slovak government

Brussels decides who should be branded a dictator

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Who then is the dictator? – commentary

The situation in Hungary is dire, but healthcare is coping

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Hungary to reopen schools when 2.5 million people are inoculated – cabinet minister

The ruling conservative party is celebrating 33 years since its founding

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Viktor Orbán receives “nation’s mirror” for Fidesz’s birthday

Austrian chancellor demands fair distribution

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Two-day EU coronavirus summit off to a rocky start

The editor-in-chief of Sieci weekly, Jacek Karnowski, writes that this is the…

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Opinion: The old pre-pandemic world may be gone forever

Depending on how efficient the EU is in fighting the pandemic, Brussels…

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