Donald Tusk’s struggle with reality

By admin
5 Min Read

There are places where information cannot reach, such as inside the head of certain liberal politicians.

It is hard to find another explanation for the phenomenon that some politicians have been completely insensitive to the reality around them for months. For example, the negotiations on the EU budget for the next seven years and a recovery fund to deal with the effects of the epidemic are a great illustration of the dangers posed by the liberal idea of a United States of Europe.

During the summer, it was very difficult for the leaders of the member states to reach an agreement — let us not have any illusions. Tricks were used and a certain measure of irresponsibility existed during negotiations, as the leaders of some frugal countries have taken on the noble role of guardians of democracy to try to disguise the fact that they were bickering about finances — which just doesn’t sound as nice.

The European Parliament, on the other hand, didn’t even resort to this trick to leave the negotiating table, it simply yielded to the pressure from its left-liberal majority. It would be in everyone’s interest to reach an agreement as soon as possible, but this time too, the European Parliament wants to be part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

Linking EU funds to the rule of law has been an unresolved set of problems for many years — a sensitive issue — but for some it seems that the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic is the right time to force it.

One of the protagonists of this alien Brussels caste, which is concerned only with its own political interests, is former Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk who is now the president of the European People’s Party. After falling out of domestic politics, Tusk has found yet another position in Brussels. His main grievance is that he wishes to return to Polish politics, but keeps failing. He also became president of the European Council, in essence abandoning his party, the Civic Platform, as it was looking ahead to an electoral failure in Poland.

As president of the largest European party family, Tusk subordinates everything to Polish domestic politics. The struggle between the liberal opposition and the Polish ruling party of the national conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party prevents the European People’s Party (EPP) from being open to the Reform Conservative faction in the European Parliament.

The EPP is enthusiastically campaigning against their own country in Brussels, for which parties of the EPP are reliably voting against PiS. The most notable exception to this is the Fidesz-KDNP, which explains Tusk’s current opposition. The president of the EPP is determined to finally expel Fidesz, an ally of the conservative, patriotic Polish leadership, from the EPP family, but he keeps failing.

When Tusk speaks of a “freak democracy” in relation to Hungary, it must be evaluated in the light of Tusk’s obsession with Polish politics.

Tusk has already learned the liberal tricks of Brussels. He says that where there is no freedom of speech and rule of law, that no democracy can exist, but he cautiously avoids showing any proof that this is actually the case in Hungary.

Tusk is doing a great disservice to ​​Europe’s largest party family by involving it in his own personal battles — all this at a time when Europeans need responsible politicians more than ever.

Title image: Outgoing President of the European Council and new President of the European People’s Party Donald Tusk listens to a question during a press conference during the European Peoples Party (EPP) congress in Zagreb, Croatia, Thursday, Nov. 21, 2019. (AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic)

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