Polish observers: Hungarian elections were fair and transparent

Observers of the Polish Ordo Iuris institute. (Loretta Tóth)
By Dénes Albert
3 Min Read

The Hungarian electoral process, including the system of election financing and press freedom within the country, are all in line with international standards, the Polish Ordo Iuris conservative law research center’s observers said on Monday.

The center’s findings mirrored those of the ECR and OECD observers, all of whom gave their seal of approval for the democratic process in Hungary, despite protestations from a number of the Brussels’ liberal elite.

“It is an honor for me to declare at the end of our mission that, based on what we have experienced, the Hungarian parliamentary elections of 2022 are exemplary of free, equal, secret, and direct elections in accordance with the best practices and principles recognized by the international community of democracies,” Jerzy Kwasniewski, co-founder and chairman of the board of the Ordo Iuris Polish Conservative Legal Research Center, said at a press conference at which the international election and referendum mission following the Hungarian elections presented its final report.

Kwasniewski told reporters that the mission, which included Croatian, Spanish, Bulgarian, and Ukrainian partners, arrived in Hungary on March 24 to assess the electoral process, and during his time in Hungary, made contact with the leaders of each political party, various non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and several other major organizations.

He emphasized that on election day, the delegation was observing 60 different election commissions, where in their experience everything was in line with international standards, and that the observer mission concluded that no circumstance had occurred which would have violated fair and free voting.

The co-founder of Ordo Iuris added that this is also evidenced by the relatively low number of complaints lodged.

At the press conference, members of the mission each presented the results of research in various areas that guaranteed the integrity of the elections. Based on the regulations, interviews and documents studied for the preparation of this report, it concluded that the financing system of the Hungarian elections is fully transparent and in line with the general European framework.

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