Migrants attack Polish Border Guard on border with Belarus

Source: Polish Border Guard.
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
2 Min Read

On Saturday, Polish Border Guard servicemen were attacked near a post in Białowieża by a group of migrants, who Polish authorities say were led to the border by Belarusian and Russian services. A video of the migrants attacking the Polish patrol with stones and branches was published on social media.

“Polish services were pelted with stones by a group of individuals on the Belarusian side, after thwarting an attempt by 13 migrants to cross the border,” the Border Guard reported.

According to the guards, some of the foreigners were masked and had radios.

“Fortunately, no one was injured as a result of this incident. The front windshield of a service vehicle was damaged during the attack,” the officer reported.

According to the Polish Border Guard, the area along the Belarusian side of the border is accessible only to Belarusian authorities, but there are constantly individuals visible who attempt to illegally enter Poland.

“Illegal migration is still supported by Belarusian authorities,” the Border Guard stated.

For the past two years, migrants supported by the government of Alexander Lukashenko have regularly attacked Polish servicemen.

In November 2021, the Polish-Belarusian border crossing in Kuźnica witnessed the most dangerous situation, when Belarusian authorities gathered several thousand migrants who then attempted to enter Polish territory from Belarus. Nearly daily battles took place between the migrants and Polish authorities, who managed to keep the border secure.

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