Nothing is sacred: German LGBT magazine profanes the Virgin Mary, Holy Family

By Grzegorz Adamczyk
2 Min Read

In a German LGBT magazine, EU LGBT ambassador and LGBT activist Riccardo Simonetti is depicted as the Virgin Mary just in time for its December publication.

The photo has its critics, who say that the magazine is going out of its way to mock Christians during the holidest moment of the season. Unlike Muslims, who have been known to kill those who mock the prophet Muhammad, Germany’s Siegessaule Magazin published the photos knowing that Christians tend to protest but do not react with violence to such profanity.

In the picture, Simonetti has very long hair and a beard, and is wearing a white robe with a blue veil covering his head. He is holding a doll meant to represent Baby Jesus and the entire photo clearly references the figure of the Virgin Mary.

Moreover, in another photo in the magazine, Simonetti appears with another man and the rainbow-colored photo symbolizes a gay version of the Holy Family.

“If we ignore the fact that Jesus wasn’t white, we could as well believe the Virgin Mary had a beard, why not?” Simonetti wrote on Facebook while also sharing the lewd cover and photos. In his entry, he also accused the “mainstream world” of homophobia over who people with AIDS are perceived.

Many internet users were outraged by both the photo and Simonetti’s entry. One of the commentators challenged the LGBT ambassador to next time present himself as a trans version of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

Another user pointed out that if Muhammad was depicted in a similar manner, Muslims from all across Europe would take to the streets.

“But they hate Christians and simultaneously are afraid of and respect Muslims, so this will never happen,” the user added.

Some have called for Simonetti to be stripped of his function as the EU’s LGBT ambassador. According to the activist’s website, he was chosen for his position in the European Parliament in 2021.

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