Tag: Food

Prices will continue to surge in Polish shops, say experts

"Inflation rates could potentially spike to around 7 percent"

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Poland’s policy of zero VAT on food extended through 2023

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced on Monday that the zero VAT…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

Poland’s policy of zero VAT on food extended through 2023

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced on Monday that the zero VAT…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Opening Poland’s market to Ukrainian grain was a huge mistake, says former Polish agriculture minister

As Central and Eastern Europe are flooded with cheap Ukrainian grain, farmers…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Poland is prepared to help poorer countries with agricultural development, says President Duda at UN conference

Polish President Andrzej Duda offered to share Polish economic and agricultural expertise…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Food crisis: The battle for grain begins as world population hits 8 billion

Once upon a time, in the days of stagnant normalization, when the…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

‘Closure of coal industry and Fit for 55 would be a disaster,’ says Polish president’s aide

EU-wide plans to close down coal mines and push through its radical…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

With world food crisis looming, Russia and Turkey discuss getting grain out of Ukraine

With major food shortages looming in the Middle East and Africa, Russian…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Poland stands ready to help Ukraine shift grain and prevent global crisis, agriculture minister affirms

Poland's Minister of Agriculture Henryk Kowalczyk met the U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Poland will not run out of food for Poles or refugees, assures Polish Minister of Agriculture

Poland's Minister of Agriculture Henryk Kowalczyk has rubbished the notion that the…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

War in Ukraine: Chocolate may soon disappear from grocery stores in Europe

One unexpected consequence of the war in Ukraine is the threat of…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

War in Ukraine to hit poor countries’ food supply, could lead to major crises

The war is causing a humanitarian catastrophe not only in Ukraine, but…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

President Duda to farmers: “Thanks to you, we did not run out of food during the pandemic”

The main threat of the LGBT revolution is unending conflict, an endless…

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Poland’s high-quality food export is bouncing back after pandemic, says minister of agriculture

The coronavirus pandemic may bring about a new development model for the…

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Coronavirus: Poles are stockpiling food, toilet paper and other necessities

The moral superiority game is over, now it's time to face reality

admin admin

Wealthiest and healthiest are wasting the most food

In 2019, filmmakers helped Czechia generate €358 million

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Drought in Poland could lead to skyrocketing food prices

Competing economically is a lot like driving in a race, with even…

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Activists in Prague protest against Czechs eating carp for Christmas

When it comes to Christmas, not much has changed since 1989

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