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Jourová: Babiš and Orbán in the same boat doesn’t surprise me

Poles are record-breakers when it comes to optimism. According to a survey…

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Zeman: Member states should decide where to put subsidies

Former Civic Platform Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski shut down 39 Polish embassies,…

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Poles are super-optimistic about their future

Hungary sees its identity as a bridge between the West and the…

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Rebuilding diplomacy after the devastating “Sikorski algorithm”

The European Commission (EC) has referred Poland to the European Court of…

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German ruling parties suffer loss in popularity

Liberal media and politicians fiercely defend Lyudmyla Kozlovska after her expulsion from…

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Drunken Ukrainian diplomat rams bus in Budapest

Our own Grzegorz Adamczyk about the Remix mission and Hungarian-Polish friendship

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