
Latest Poland News

Poland could benefit from liberals in new German coalition, says former Polish FM

The former Polish foreign minister and current Law and Justice (PiS) MEP…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

US House of Representatives wants new sanctions against Nord Stream 2

A possible shift may be coming in American policy towards the German-Russian…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Poland steadily catches up to wealthiest European economies: report

Statistics Poland (GUS) has published a special report entitled “Poland on the…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Polish court: Lech Wałęsa must apologize to historian who revealed Wałęsa worked for communist intelligence services

Historian Sławomir Cenckiewicz announced that the Warsaw district court had ordered former…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk