Tag: The Left

A challenging time for Poland’s faithful

The narrow victory of the Civic Platform (PO) in the EU elections…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Norway Islamist attacks exploited by Western media against those who want to prevent such incidents

The Wednesday attack by a deranged Muslim radical in the sleepy Norwegian…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

Macron warns against the progressive left

New measures might be a complication for tourists

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The left is coming for your house

The 32-year-old was diagnosed with mental illness

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Protests against racism are just another well-disguised attempt to change the system: opinion

Latvia joins Hungary, Poland and other Central European countries in questioning the…

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Putin’s two-pronged attack on Poland: opinion

The Netflix film, portraying Jesus as a gay man, has outraged Christians…

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Culture wars: Polish left attempts to remove the Cross from parliament

You will be surprised where the most-polluted cities are found

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