France: Poll reveals vast majority worried about ‘Great Replacement’

By Robert
4 Min Read

A new survey has revealed that more than 60 percent of the French population believe in the “the Great Replacement” theory, which posits that White Europeans are being systematically replaced through mass immigration. The survey also shows that nearly seven in ten Frenchmen and women are at least concerned about it taking place. 

The survey, carried out by market research firm Harris Interactive along with the weekly Paris-based business magazine Challenges, found that 61 percent of the French public believe in “the Great Replacement” theory, while an even greater percentage of the population — 67 percent, to be exact — are worried that the phenomenon is or will occur, Le Figaro reports.

The theory’s thesis, which holds that native European populations are being replaced by migrants from the global south, was initially put forward by French author and intellectual Renaud Camus, then later brought to the forefront of public consciousness by Éric Zemmour, a political journalist who may be running for president in next year’s French elections.

Other eminent French intellectuals like Michel Onfray, a writer and philosopher, have argued in support of the theory’s validity, citing demographic data — not only in France but in much of the Western world as well — which supports the theory’s thesis, as well as notable individuals on the left who’ve publicly cheered on the extreme demographic change.

Although Camus’ idea, which has become a major topic of discussion across Europe and North America, is commonly derided by establishment politicians and the mainstream press as a “conspiracy theory,” figures from this poll show that an absolute majority of the French population accept it as true and correct.

The poll, to gain an understanding of just how many Frenchmen and women subscribe to the theory, asked: “Some people speak of the ‘Great Replacement’: that European, white and Christian populations are being threatened with extinction following Muslim immigration from the Maghreb and black Africa. Do you think such a phenomenon will occur in France?”

Perhaps unsurprisingly to most observers, those on France’s political right were most likely to consider the arguments which support the Great Replacement theory to be logical, well-founded, and convincing. For example, 92 percent of respondents who are supporters of Marine Le Pen’s populist National Rally (RN) say that the Great Replacement is either “likely” or “definitely” already taking place.

Furthermore, 72 percent of center-right Republican party sympathizers, 52 percent of supporters of Macron’s liberal-centrist LREM party, 44 percent of supporters of the leftist Socialist Party (PS) and La France Insoumise (LFR), and 30 percent of Green supporters believe the Great Replacement is either “likely” or “definitely” happening.

Apart from the survey, widespread concern over the Great Replacement among the French population has been expressed through the magnitude of support received by Éric Zemmour in the latest opinion polls, despite the fact that he has yet to formally declare his candidacy for next year’s presidential elections. Zemmour, perhaps best known for popularizing “the Great Replacement” theory, has consistently polled ahead of his main right-wing populist competitor, National Rally leader Marine Le Pen, in a hypothetical first round of the presidential election. 

In the latest Harris Interactive poll, which was conducted late last month, Zemmour garnered 18 percent of the vote in the first round, two points ahead of Le Pen, but also well behind incumbent candidate President Emanuel Macron’s 24 percent. 

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