Cowardly warmongers vote for the German Green Party, and polling proves it
The German Green Party was once known for its anti-NATO and pacifist…
Germany: Green party politician resigns after giving Hitler salute during her drunk driving arrest
A Green party politician in the capital city of Berlin has resigned…
Polish opposition wants to potentially withdraw from Polish-US nuclear power deal if it comes to power
A Polish politician from the Greens disclosed that she has an agreement…
Germany: Conservative AfD overtakes Green Party for first time in 4 years
As the Green Party's fortunes sink, the fortunes of the Alternative for…
Green party moves to ban certain pets in Germany
The Green party is moving to ban certain pets from Germany, with…
German Green party replaces its own White male justice minister with Black female who has no law degree or political experience
In the West, many of the White males who sign up for…
Germany has ‘OneLove’ for Qatar’s gas
The entire German political establishment went into a rage after FIFA banned…
Germans should use washcloths instead of taking showers so often, says German regional Green Party PM
Baden-Württemberg's Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) has asked citizens not to shower…
German ‘energy turn’ could fail together with the Greens
As a result of the sanctions aimed at Russia but still affecting…
Germany should accept at least 50,000 Afghans, says Green chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock
Green Chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock has spoken out in favor of bringing more than…
German Greens are preparing “the biggest climate package in history” – including a ministry for climate
The German Greens are preparing to take part in the next government…
German historian: ‘God save us from the Greens’
"Making people pay a fee — or pay a higher fee, or…
Could the Green Party crash the German airline industry?
According to Law and Justice politicians, the first draft of the bills…
Germany’s far-left Green Party criticizes Danish PM over her party’s new migration policies
Parisian police use an innovative system to reveal the age
White women must move aside for foreigners to take power, says Sweden’s Green Party spokeswoman
ECHR cited the need to protect the health of others
What Reddit’s latest purge tells us about the politics of transgenderism
A massive construction project for migrants has generated questionably high costs for…
Germany: Green Party politician apologizes for childhood wish to be an ‘Indian chief’
Hopes for a new asylum system are fading
‘We have space’: German politicians and activists call for more migrants
German politicians, artists, journalists, and asylum lobbyists, under the mottos "Refugees Welcome"…