Zeman: Kiska will not be our Shadow President
A spectacular show among the clouds. Aerial performers from 22 countries participated…
Hungarian billionaire finances Slovak flying car
Reports suggest Poland has urged the United States to impose sanctions for…
Kidnapping scandal: Slovakia offered a plane to Hanoi
Since Monday the leaders of the European Union have been celebrating, writes…
Who was right about the Greek crisis?
Some of the promises have not made any progress, others have been…
Win at the Supreme Court, get harassed even more
Meet Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz - a 32-year-old politician who is one…
Murdered journalist remembered in Košice
The European Union is struggling with productivity problems, people of working age…
Slovak company blacklisted by the United States
The Three Seas Fund is being developed in cooperation between the banks…
August of 1968, a lesson from geopolitics
The strategically vital Gas Triangle by the Baltic Sea is virtually unprotected.…
Europe is aging fast but Slovakia even faster
The Budapest Capital Court has denied Croatia's request for the extradition of…
EU’s center of gravity shifting to Central Europe
You cannot trust allies who are traitors. Zbigniew Parafianowicz explains how the…
Iconic photo of Bielik to appear on stamp
Individual autonomy is not the same as civil liberty - no matter…
Krajniak: We are Central Europe, not West or East
An overheated radioactive materials container disrupted operations at Budapest airport but there…
LOTN Trenčín becomes strategic partner of Lockheed Martin
How the victims of sexual abuse that led to the #MeToo global…
Visegrad declares willingness to fight unfair trading practices
Europe is going through a very serious crisis, which also applies to…
Eurozone and Slovakia not affected by Turkish crisis
After seven years of Melbourne’s dominance on the Economist Intelligence Unit’s rank…
The success of Vienna should raise the competitiveness of Bratislava
After 2017, Hungarian economic growth will again exceed four percent and the…
Banáš: Migration can be solved by avoiding country-robbing
Neither Orbán nor any other member of his party have said anything…
Danube shipping hit by low water levels
Poles change their vacation preferences. Croatia drops in popularity as Greece rises.
Hyperloop plans for Bratislava fail
Labor migrants are leaving Great Britain and there are less Poles on…
The West is not out of it yet
The purchase of Australian frigates threatens Poland’s shipbuilding industry. The Minister of…
Bratislava among the safest cities in Europe
Polish athletes bag seven gold medals at the European Athletics Championships.
Slovakia prepares strategy to fight climate change
Grzegorz Górny sees Viktor Orbán’s idea for Western Europe to abandon its…
Spain main target of immigrants
It is in line with Hungarian military doctrine and practice and is…
PM Orbán’s use of Air Force planes is perfectly normal
Law and Justice (PiS) minister Mariusz Błaszczak and opposition Civic Platform (PO)…
OTP Group Q2 net profit above expectations
Following an article in Magyar Idők - which quoted Hungarian government officials…
Slovak economy relies on foreigners
Viktor Orbán bows to no one. After winning the Hungarian elections for…
Marček’s visit to Crimea stirs up Slovak coalition
Polish ports are record breakers in transshipments. The first half of the…
Ukraine considers cutting railways to Russia
The time has come to demolish the Palace of Culture and Science…
Reprisal and irrelevance
"It is very likely that the Swedish government's attempts to attract migrants…
Slovakia’s Airbnb tourism is booming
Völner said it was already common knowledge that "foreign-funded, pro-migration organizations" have…
Drowning migrants could be saved by simply stopping their boats
Even after the deaths of three Czech soldiers in Afghanistan, the Minister…
Will the Slovak President fall amid kidnapping scandal?
The Armed Forces is responsible for the transport and protection of select…
Kurz’s Austria could be the pillar of a new European structure
The position of the United Kingdom and the European Union regarding Brexit…
Brexit: To fake an agreement
Activities of political commissars in the Czech Republic and the EU do…
Immigrants, clowns and neo-Marxists mentioned in Sulík-Poliačik clash
Study claims nearly 60 percent of Ukrainian immigrants living in Poland want…
Kiev deceives Ukrainians fighting for survival with staged litigation
A new stage in the struggle for judiciary reforms in Poland. The…
BMW factory in Hungary means opportunities for Slovakia
If the 1944 Warsaw Uprising is deemed pointless, the memory of those…
The day that belongs to Warsaw
Polish Solidarity hero Lech Wałęsa begs Law and Justice chairman Jarosław Kaczyński…
Analysis: The Visegrád Group can no longer be ignored
Antoni Macierewicz, the legendary Polish anti-communist oppositionist and former defense minister enters…
Slovakia voices its concerns over the latest revelations surrounding the alleged kidnapping of Trinh Xuan Thanh
Although Viktor Orbán’s speech in Tusványos, Transylvania has received widespread criticism in…
Mečiar’s return to politics is no joke
Worldwide migration is not caused by global warming or famine, but by…