Jourova admits limits to what EU can do to Hungary and Poland over rule of law

In rhetoric reminiscent of the Nazi Party, German MEP Katarina Barley called…

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LGBT ideology in kindergartens? Budapest district pushes new educational agenda for kids

Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga says Europe's top court applied 'double standards'…

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Senior Polish archbishop: Poland in danger of losing its Christianity

Doctors, dentists and pharmacists will see a three-step increase in wages through…

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Hungarian politician shreds book that turns traditional fairy tale heroes into LGBT characters

LGBT activists are waging an ideological revolution and must be stopped in…

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US Ambassador Mosbacher to Poles: You are on the wrong side of history concerning LGBT

The total opposition failed to defeat Law and Justice (PiS), so foreign…

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Rising foreign pressure is designed to bring down Poland’s conservative government

PM Orbán called for her resignation after statements offensive to Hungary

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Polish MEP to US ambassador: ‘We are waiting for the letter in defense of murdered Christians’

Moody's is the last of the big credit rating agencies to react…

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Polish newspaper self-censors after publishing article criticizing LGBT movement

All barriers to more children in Hungary can be lifted through government…

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VIDEO: LGBT activists act like dogs and bark at Catholic organization volunteers in Warsaw

Center-right parties saw wins in the capital and several major cities

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EC permits profanation of Polish national flag with LGBT rainbow

It may look prettier, but the contents haven't changed

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Joe Biden falls prey to fake news about ‘LGBT-free zones’ in Poland

Only strong member states can form a strong EU

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This man wants to destroy Poland after he already helped destroy Spain

The tragic death of a Slovak man in police custody in Belgium…

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The EU will break any treaty to punish Poland over LGBT issues, says senior Polish MEP

PM Orbán says experts see second wave peaking in December-January

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Gay MEP may face legal issues over claiming Polish president acts like a Nazi

Every positive discrimination is also inherently negative, writes popular Hungarian blogger Aristo

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Poland: LGBT activists put vagina-shaped halo on Virgin Mary during anti-Catholic action in Gdańsk

Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó will be one…

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LGBT Pride Parade participants insult Catholics by profaning Polish icon of Virgin Mary

Multiculturalism presents unique security threats to Great Britain, says Hungarian security expert…

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Opinion: Poland’s Right cannot capitulate to LGBT revolutionists!

Authorities loyal to Aleksandr Lukashenko detained several dozen people during the peaceful…

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Leftist militias are being trained in Warsaw’s city center: report

Vladimir Putin has said that a special reserve of law-protection officers were…

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Gay blogger says LGBT activists in Poland actually want more attacks against gay people because it makes Poland look bad

According to Statistics Poland, the unemployment rate in Poland has remained in…

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LGBT propaganda should be outlawed: commentary

PM Morawiecki points out that the pact led to the start of…

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LGBT aggression is a cultural war over our identity and our soul, says Polish justice minister

Italy's government is under pressure to control the huge influx of migrants…

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Hungarian right-wing politician removes LGBT flag from Budapest City Hall, throws it in the trash

The recent shooting of 5-year-old White boy Cannon Hinnant in the United…

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LGBT activist attacks pro-life organization’s van in Warsaw

Poland’s policy of regional cooperation is beginning to pay, writes publicist Michał…

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Opinion: Legalizing same-sex marriage will let the genie out of the bottle

On Belarus, the West has to choose between sacrificing its interests or…

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President Duda fights anti-Christian attacks with flowers

Ruling party leader Jarosław Kaczyński said that the new National Memorial Park…

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Poland: 48 LGBT activists charged for Warsaw riots and attacking police

LGBT provocations are meant to cause permanent tension and conflict at both…

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Poland’s opposition intends to use LGBT as a weapon

Salvini was right to protect the border against migrants

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Teenagers are being encouraged to purchase hormones online to change their gender

Polish justice minister speaks out on controversial topic

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Neo-Marxists are trying to destroy families, national pride and the Church: Polish professor

Public procurement watchdog nixes leftist mayor's tender for irregularities

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Jesus wouldn’t side with today’s LGBT vandals, but with ordinary families

Berlin wanted to accept 300 migrants from Greek islands but the German…

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LGBT activists vandalize statue of Jesus Christ in Warsaw, Polish PM Morawiecki condemns bigotry

Hungarian security policy expert István Gyarmati writes about military planning and civilian…

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Polish fantasy author refuses to back down in face of LGBT criticism

Western Europe is far more dangerous for women in terms of rape,…

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Tekieli: Poland needs a strategy to combat the invasion of LGBT ideology

1,800 people on the racetrack instead of the usual 200,000

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Commentary: A new age of madness

Are sanctions against the US out of the question?

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YouTube removes video criticizing LGBT ideology

Let the election battle commence!

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Polish President Duda: I will defend the traditional Polish family with all my strength

Polish president Andrzej Duda pays a visit to US president Donald Trump…

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Poles reject LGBTQ demands, including same-sex marriage, civil partnerships and adoption rights: poll

President Andrzej Duda reminds Poles about the Pope’s teaching on the importance…

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Polish president warns LGBT is an ideology that erodes traditional family values

Celebrities applaud a career criminal and a future without police all from…

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Could the EU cut funding to Poland over its opposition to LGBT agenda?

The victims were mostly elderly, and according to church elder Vajo Jović,…

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Poland: IKEA director charged after firing employee who refused to participate in LGBT events

Authorities fear radicalization in smaller prayer rooms

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DIY sex change and other machinations of identity politics: commentary

Social media users had trouble believing CNN would place Thunberg on an…

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Totalitarianism in the name of freedom could happen in Poland: opinion

Following high-profile violence in Hungarian schools, a debate about installing surveillance cameras…

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Poles reject same-sex marriages and more lenient abortion laws: Poll

Moody's sees stable banking in Central Europe

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Swedish government gives $177,000 to fund drag queen story hours for children

Václav Klaus urges defending the nation and the natural order.

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Polish LGBT movement funded by EU taxpayers’ money

Who will win the culture war? Halloween or All Saints' Day

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Politicians divided over marriage for gays and lesbians

Angela Merkel takes a French leave from politics. Tomasz Walczak analyses how…

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Marxist propaganda in Austrian primary schools

German and Polish experts to meet in Warsaw to discuss the issue…

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