Tag: elections

Germany: AfD party calls for an end to mail-in ballots, launches investigation into suspicious software error

The AfD raises questions about the election process in Germany following regional…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

French election results could strengthen Putin’s hand

France's election winners may strengthen Putin's hand, warns a professor and advisor…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Polish state-run TV publishes fake poll results giving ruling liberal party 20-point lead

Polish public television published a misleading figure to give the appearance that…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Is Russia behind rail traffic disruptions in Poland?

A series of incidents on Poland's railways has raised security concerns after…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

The conservatives ruling in Poland have delivered social justice

Jarosław Kaczyński, the leader of the ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS)…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

No, Spanish society is not inherently left-wing, explains managing editor of leading conservative media outlet

Were you disappointed with VOX’s election results? VOX’s results in the July…

Olivier Bault Olivier Bault

Poland’s right-wing Confederation party empowers voters to punish politicians

The sharp rise in poll ratings of the Confederation party is causing…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Poland plans to hold national elections and immigration referendum on same day

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki unveiled the government's plan to combine parliamentary…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Popularity of Poland’s governing conservatives has stalled ahead of this year’s election

Poland's governing Law and Justice (PiS) party should be worried that despite…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Let us prepare for the Hunger Games of the Polish opposition

If Szymon Hołownia, founder of the centrist Poland 2050 party, thought that…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

The defeat of Sanna Marin: Finns were tired of the rule of leftist fanatics

Despite successfully leading the country through a very difficult time of pandemic…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Poland’s right-wing Confederation party leads with young voters

Poland's right-wing Confederation party has seen a surge in support among voters,…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Poland’s right-wing Confederation party: Yesterday’s ‘fascists’ are becoming the desirable partners of tomorrow

The right-wing Confederation party entered parliament in 2019, which was an unpleasant…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Tusk: I’ll pressure the media to broadcast pro-abortion film

Donald Tusk, the leader of the largest opposition party in Poland, has…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

‘This is just the beginning’ – Austria’s anti-immigration FPÖ scores shock election result

The anti-immigration Freedom of Austria (FPÖ) party has nearly doubled its vote…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

Poland’s voting system set for big changes before next election

Poland's election system will undergo some major changes, including adding more polling…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Kaczyński calls for vote counting modification ahead of crucial next election

The leader of the ruling Law and Justice (PiS), Jarosław Kaczyński, argued…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Austria: Right-wing FPÖ rises to second place in Tyrol elections

Giorgia Meloni was not the right's only big election winner this weekend,…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

Polish local elections will have to be delayed, ruling party warns

The four-year term of parliament ends in the fall of 2023, as…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Sweden’s center-right holds lead in election cliffhanger, results may take until Wednesday

While the results are too close to call until the final vote…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Italy still open to illegal immigration but things could change after Sept. 25 elections

On the island of Lampedusa, now submerged despite the efforts of Mario…

Olivier Bault Olivier Bault

France is doomed to a very leftist future

As we predicted on Remix News just after Emmanuel Macron's victory in…

Olivier Bault Olivier Bault

French elections: Macron’s party is neck and neck with left-wing bloc in the first round

Amid record low turnout, President Emmanuel Macron's centrist "Together!" party and the…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Germany: SPD suffers historic defeat in North Rhine-Westphalia

Germany's left-center Christian Democratic Union has pulled off an upset victory over…

‘Jean-Luc Mélenchon is betting on the Great Replacement to gain power,’ says French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut

Veteran leftist French prime ministerial candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon is counting on the…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

France’s elections, not Hungary’s, deserve an OSCE observer mission

Having witnessed both the Hungarian and French elections in the course of…

Olivier Bault Olivier Bault

Liberals praise Macron victory, including Czech and Slovak leaders

Congratulating an election winner, even an ideological rival, can often be chalked…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

Grand Mosque of Paris urges Muslims to vote for Macron and defeat Le Pen

Top Islamic organizations are racing to line up the vote of France's…

For the first time, a poll shows Le Pen would beat Macron in French presidential runoff

A poll by French institute Atlas Intel has become the first to…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Western media uses Russian smear playbook on Orbán

The same misinformation campaign used in the 2016 and 2020 U.S. elections…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

Polish observers: Hungarian elections were fair and transparent

The Hungarian electoral process, including the system of election financing and press…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

The Hungarian elections were ‘transparent and neutral,’ comments international observer

Hungary has a very transparent, neutral, and transparent electoral system, stated Jorge…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

Serbia’s pro-Russian Vučić wins second presidential term

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, known for his recent strong stance in support…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Hungarian election observation mission led by Polish legal institute

Ordo Iuris, a Polish legal body, is leading the International Observation Mission…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

The left prepares the ground for questioning Hungary’s election results

Conservatives in Hungary are voicing concern that a report from the Office…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

In an attempt to oust Orbán, Soros-backed NGOs are targeting Hungarian teachers for their votes

Less than three weeks before the elections on April 3, Hungarian teachers’…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

Spain: Right-wing Vox party becomes kingmaker in Castile and León regional parliament

The right-wing, populist Vox party has won 13 seats in the regional…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

EU’s liberal elite claim Orbán will rig vote, call for wide-scale election observation in Hungary

Self-proclaimed European federalist Guy Verhofstadt has led the charge of a number…

Thomas Brooke Thomas Brooke

UK’s Spectator: Viktor Orbán set to win Hungary’s upcoming election

A disjointed Hungarian opposition, who appear to be more in competition with…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Hungarian opposition parties in downward spiral

With less than four months until the next general elections, the six…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

The EU’s 2022 roadmap will deepen Europe’s divisions

The Hungarian conservative think tank, the Center for Fundamental Rights, has published…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

Will the CIA intervene to defeat Viktor Orbán? Hungary’s opposition prays for foreign intervention

Nothing describes the pre-election despair of the Hungarian anti-Orbán camp better than…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

Zemmour: Let’s reduce legal immigration to zero

Social benefits should be limited to French nationals and immigration should be…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

‘We will not let them replace us’ – Éric Zemmour announces his run for French president

French right-wing writer and essayist Éric Zemmour announced on Nov. 30 his…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Thank you for four years when I was prime minister, says Czechia’s Babiš

The outlook for the future is not optimistic, but the Czechs and…

Lucie Ctverakova Lucie Ctverakova

Czech parties seek coalition agreement, but gay marriage and euro adoption are sticking points

Our parties agree on most points, stated the representatives of the SPOLU…

Lucie Ctverakova Lucie Ctverakova

‘Conservative’ Republican MP slams party VP for saying native French being ‘ethnically cleansed’ by migrants

Some members of France’s establishment, liberal-conservative Republicans have slammed the party’s vice…

Robert Robert

Formation of the Czech government: The leader of the winning coalition awaits presidential visit

President Miloš Zeman will receive the leader of the SPOLU (Together) coalition…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

German Social Democrats intent on forming a government this year

The German Social Democrats (SPD) believe that the country will have a…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

Czech senators to discuss removing powers from President Zeman due to health concerns

On Tuesday, October 19, the Constitutional Commission of the Czech Senate will…

Lucie Ctverakova Lucie Ctverakova

‘Total fiasco,’ says former President Klaus about the Pirates’ election result

Former President Václav Klaus is pleased with the failure of the Pirates…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

Will Pandora Papers affect Czech election results?

Ahead of the Czech parliamentary elections, the world media is focusing on…

Lucie Ctverakova Lucie Ctverakova

Merkel warns German reunification isn’t complete

German reunification is not over yet, German Chancellor Angel Merkel warned on…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Germany: CDU/CSU invites Greens and Liberals to negotiate a coalition

Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Christian Social Union (CSU) leaders Armin Laschet…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

Most Germans won’t miss Merkel: poll

Most Germans will not miss Angela Merkel in the role of chancellor,…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

Czech PM candidates clash in pre-election debate over pandemic response and Czexit

Representatives of eight parties running for the Chamber of Deputies met on…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

Hungary’s game of killers

There is a well-known psychological experiment called the game of killers, which…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Who is Angela Merkel’s true political heir?

The answer about the true heir to Merkel should be obvious. After…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

Czechia: PM Babiš dominates Google search as election approaches

Google has launched a website in the Czech Republic that monitors electoral…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

Merkel’s party increasingly under threat of losing upcoming German elections

For the first time in 15 years, the Social Democratic Party of…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

CDU/CSU in trouble, as only 23% of Germans would vote for the party

Angela Merkel's presumed successor in the post of German Chancellor, Armin Laschet,…

Karolina Klaskova Karolina Klaskova

Hungary heading towards critical elections next year

The crux of next year's elections will be whether the current conservative…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

The Greens are planning to rob Germans of their freedom – commentary

Le Pen will temporarily hand over leadership to Bardella

admin admin

Germany: Greens’ chancellor candidate sees popularity taking a nose dive

The country is also nearing the two percent budget demand

admin admin

Poll: Poland’s leading conservative party is surging among voters

Biden's push for more immigration into the US and a relaxation of…

admin admin

Michel “Mr. Brexit” Barnier wants to halt immigration for up to five years

New tax regulations would make it easier to sell cryptocurrencies

admin admin

Germany’s Social Democrats elect Olaf Scholz as chancellor candidate

Varga posts video on Europe day looking at the Union's challenges

admin admin

The sorry state of German democracy

Government acted swiftly and decisively

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Green Party election victory could alter German-Hungarian relations

At the same meeting, Manfred Weber continued his denunciations of Hungary's Fidesz

admin admin

German regional election defeats shake Merkel’s CDU

Could a free press die under a left-wing Hungarian government? One party's…

admin admin

Czech Constitutional Court repeals part of the electoral law months before elections

The German government is seeking the right for German citizens to vote…

admin admin

Former finance minister appointed to form Romanian government

The liberal-left media is trying to instil disgust for Christmas among their…

admin admin

Opinion: Poland, Belarus and a weak Russia

Network stands by the award-winning film

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Serbia: Right-wing SNS party scores landslide election victory

The Czech PM invites Slovaks to come visit

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Halfway through the electoral cycle, Hungary’s opposition still in disarray: analysis

Czechs can travel freely to Austria and Hungary

admin admin

Pellegrini to be the election leader of Smer-SD

Facebook to expand its VR reach with Czech game studio.

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No post-election honeymoon for Poland’s ruling party

Still around 900,000 Pole live in the UK.

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Slovaks head to the polls in February

Can the EU stay cohesive?

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Former Slovak prime minister returns to politics

The West's losing battle with Islamists.

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Curabitur dapibus varius augue, a posuere massa posuere et. Curabitur nec dapibus…

admin admin

Hungarian opposition to hold joint EP list

Polish politics has changed thanks to the current government’s determination to ‘listen…

admin admin

Babiš: It’s nothing more than a pre-election game

According to a poll conducted by the CVVM agency, the army and…

admin admin

Kaczyński draws a road map for upcoming elections

Sub-contractors protested the blocked central railway route last week. The protest brought…

admin admin

CDU elections, the most important for Germany in decades

Morocco could become the biggest and most important African trade partner of…

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