Tag: economy

Czech Republic will have to pay up if French-German recovery plan goes through: study

The shocking video has spread across social media and triggered a response…

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EU ‘misers’ holding up the German-French deal will agree to it in the end: opinion

Two illegal migrants from Afghanistan who hid in a truck full of…

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Hungarian car industry fared better during coronavirus pandemic than most other EU countries

There is hope that post-communism in the Polish judiciary is coming to…

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Hungary’s finance minister references 1848 cholera pandemic while submitting 2021 budget

The move disproves all allegations of excessive power but will likely garner…

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French public debt set to soar to 115% of GDP

62 percent of Hungarians also expect a second outbreak of coronavirus

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Romania asks Poland for help navigating the coronavirus crisis

Despite claims that Hungary was now a dictatorship, PM Orbán says his…

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US should reopen its economy and ditch coronavirus lockdowns, says Hungary’s central bank head

PiS leader: Szumowski has been effective in fighting the pandemic

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Poland saved 2.5 million jobs with anti-crisis measures, says Polish PM

V4 heads release a joint statement with Germany

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Hungary, Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia’s leaders discuss rebuilding EU economy with Angela Merkel

Hungary has now fixed gender into law, meaning even those who partake…

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Why did the euro fail and America dominate? Hungary’s Central Bank head explores difficult topics in new book

Now comes the time to reboot the economies of Hungary, Poland, the…

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Poland among the countries with best strategy for managing coronavirus crisis: expert

Poland’s new National Security Strategy (NSS) points to Russia as the primary…

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The majority of Poles want an end to shopping ban on Sundays: survey

Free travel for EU citizens is restored in Slovenia

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Coronavirus blows €81.5 billion hole in Germany’s central budget: German finance minister

Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska may have dropped out of the race, but her replacement…

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Coronavirus has flipped mass migration around for Eastern Europe as millions return home

When Western media praises one of our politicians, we should see that…

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Polish economy most resilient to coronavirus crisis in the EU: Bloomberg

54 percent of those surveyed would vote for Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's…

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EU Commissioner: ‘Europe is experiencing an economic shock without precedent since the Great Depression’

The leader of Law and Justice (PiS) believes that although there might…

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PKN Orlen wants to double the number of its filling stations in Slovakia by the end of the year

1862 globe shows the borders as they were at the time

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Poles will feel the coronavirus crisis most on the job market

It's been centuries since Poland was this well-positioned to influence world affairs

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Czech economy will drop by 6.2%, predicts European Commission

The Afghan man allegedly stabbed his girlfriend 20 times

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Coronavirus: Poland will suffer smallest GDP loss in EU in 2020

Poland signs its largest IT partnership agreement in history with Microsoft, which…

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Microsoft will invest $1 billion in Poland

The American ambassador accused the Chinese government of being responsible for the…

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Hungary pours another €1.19 billion into economic recovery during coronavirus crisis

Hungarian wines experience a breakthrough in recognition at this year's Sommelier Wine…

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Coronavirus: Hungary’s most influential industrialist expects U-shaped recovery chart

In many EU countries, as much as half of the pandemic’s victims…

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German economy faces worst recession in post-war history

Poland is facing multiple forms of drought throughout the country

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Hungarian watchdog slaps €7 million fine on Booking.com

The government will balance epidemic and economic aspects

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Coronavirus: Poland releases funds to save companies and workers on schedule

The conflict surrounding May elections is not about who will win but…

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Coronavirus: Hungarian economic confidence plummets to 11-year low

The VW factory is currently operating at 10-15 percent of capacity

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Bank of Japan expands monetary easing by lifting bond purchase cap

Time for strategic investments to ensure all Hungarians have a job, says…

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PM Orbán promises jobs to all Hungarians

Tax evasion, illegal immigration and a lack of integration have plagued Italy's…

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Why the EU needs to focus on PM Morawiecki’s 3 key issues of production, budget, and support

President Andrzej Duda enjoys the support of 59% of the vote while…

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EU leaders agree on €540 billion rescue package, clash over recovery financing

Seven percent of Czechs already lost their jobs amid crisis

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Coronavirus: 7 percent of Czechs have lost their job

"Save your pub" initiative calls on customers to buy beer now to…

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Coronavirus: Czechs are saving their favorite pubs with a unique voucher program

Clashes broke out over a motorbike accident that have seen 'youths' in…

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Suzuki reboots production in Hungary, offering a glimmer of hope amid coronavirus

Former speaker of the Polish Parliament Marek Jurek says that the Visegrád…

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Hungary, Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia to present united front at stormy EU summit

Travel bans aside, seasonal agricultural workers can now start working during the…

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Will the Czech Republic nationalize strategic companies due to coronavirus?

Local government warns of human trafficking threat

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Poland’s economy more resilient to coronavirus than Italy’s or France’s

Battery-powered and independent of hospital gas networks, this locally-made respirator could save…

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Will Poles save Poland’s tourism sector and go on vacation this year?

Anti-government news channel TVN is owned by the New York-based Discovery mass…

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Hungary’s economic contraction will be among least severe in Europe, says EBRD president

Chinese diplomacy protests against Czech-Taiwanese cooperation

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Unicredit: Poland to cope better than others with coronavirus crisis

Global deflationary shock on the horizon

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Global shock: Crude oil price crash could lead to deflationary spiral

The WHO, which has been accused of failing the global community during…

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Chinese economy shrinks 6.8 percent in Q1

Eastern Mediterranean remains preferred route for migrants

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Ukrainians will return to Poland once borders are open, says Ukrainian employment office head

Bans on public events to stay in place until the end of…

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Germany begins slow easing of coronavirus shutdown

The coronavirus pandemic might be an opportunity to undertake new cooperation initiatives…

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Hungary’s currency begins recovering from coronavirus crisis losses

Poles are more worried about the economic effects of the pandemic than…

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UK farms ignoring British citizens to hire cheaper foreign labor despite coronavirus lockdowns

The MPs believe France should follow the Portuguese example

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Coronavirus: Hungary opens another 5 checkpoints with Romania for seasonal farmworkers

Despite the coronavirus crisis, four EP parties plan a resolution against Hungary…

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Coronavirus: Poland’s anti-crisis shield helped over 500,000 applicants

The National Institute of Public Health (PZH) declared Polish coronavirus tests are…

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LOT Polish Airlines backs out of purchase of Germany’s Condor

Resurrection is stronger than mourning, writes Hungarian Cardinal Péter Erdő

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Poland offers new subsidy package aimed at saving companies from coronavirus crisis

Polish President Andrzej Duda encourages young people to purchase Polish products through…

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Coronavirus: WTO report says global trade could fall by up to 32 percent

World leaders and investigative reporters are now accusing the WHO of covering…

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Optimism? Europe’s economic recovery from coronavirus could begin as soon as May, says Hungarian analyst

National responses are the only ones that work in fighting the coronavirus

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PM Orbán: Hungary redirects up to 20% of GDP to economic recovery

Despite a Soros-funded news outlet calling for an abolishment of families during…

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Confidential EU report: Coronavirus has left Europe’s economy at only 66 percent of capacity

The “Flight Back Home” program ends and will be converted into “Cargo…

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Coronavirus has paralyzed almost 1/3 of Polish companies

Communism made us used to restrictions. says Klaus.

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Coronavirus could lead to 25% decline in GDP in some countries, OECD warns

Poland introduces tech to track quarantined individuals

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Italy predicts the death of the EU after coronavirus pandemic divides nations

Migrants want to avoid being placed in refugee camps in France

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Dollar reigns supreme amid global economic uncertainty over coronavirus

Polish oil and gas mining company wins major victory against Russia's biggest…

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Hungary’s top chefs prepare meals for hospital staff during coronavirus crisis

The Hungarian government is looking to ensure smooth operations during the coronavirus…

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Hungary extends emergency rule, prepares sweeping economic package

Try tackling coronavirus the Czech way, advises PM Babiš

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EU’s €37 billion coronavirus aid package is a hoax, says Hungarian MEP

Canceling border checks might get difficult as more time goes by

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Poland’s furniture industry on verge of collapse over coronavirus

The Polish government has purchased large amounts of medical equipment from China…

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Hungary: IT equipment demand surges due to coronavirus

UK, Germany, France, and the Czech Republic calls on their own citizens…

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Polish PM: Coronavirus means huge economic test lies ahead for Poland

Hungary believes it can provide medication for 2.2 million people

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EU fails to agree on coronavirus credit line as economy crashes

Hungary receives hundreds of tons of medical equipment from China

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Coronavirus: 50 million jobs at risk as global air traffic crashes

Many Germans don't seem to care if coronavirus spreads and some even…

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Coronavirus leaves Poles with bleak outlook: survey

Forecast model for Poland predicts this trajectory for coronavirus cases

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Coronavirus: Hungary adopts new measures to prop up economy

PM Orbán has the power to govern by decree under a state…

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EU suspends budget limit rules for the first time

Both countries are working together to defend against coronavirus while also ensuring…

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Poland to supply US gas to Ukraine, help reduce Kiev’s need for Russian energy

Polish and Czech citizens display gestures of friendship in the border town…

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Poland launches €47 billion package to save economy from coronavirus

PM Orbán, who has called coronavirus the "invisible enemy", begins his days…

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Coronavirus crisis: Hungary tries to save national economy with new measures

Europe is taking radical steps to contain and quarantine migrants, and countries…

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Coronavirus: Romanians, Bulgarians briefly allowed through Hungary’s closed borders

Social media users pointed to the hypocrisy of Tusk, who enjoyed a…

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Poland’s economic policy needs a rethink in light of coronavirus crisis: opinion

Coronavirus continues to send shock waves throughout Europe as deaths skyrocket

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Czech currency weakens as coronavirus fears cause global financial crash

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen postpones trip to Athens

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Russia is attempting to crash American oil competitors: opinion

Greek media reports multiple flights of Turkish fighter jets over Greek border…

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Coronavirus makes Hungary’s economic growth unpredictable: finance minister

Despite long-term economic growth, Poland still lags behind the EU average in…

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Poles still need to be more productive: Eurostat

Poland’s minister of health is doing an excellent job in protecting the…

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Lebanon defaults on debt payment

"We've been saying this since 2015"

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Hungary’s OTP Bank Group posts record 2019 profit

Greek population steps up against migrants but needs more support

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Spanish journalist: Poland is becoming a major power while Spain is crumbling

The court rules that the extra tax levied by Hungary was in…

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European court rules against Tesco in tax reimbursement case

The Polish government spent over €8 billion on defense in 2018

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Poland ranks close to the top in EU military spending

"Third time's a charm," PM Orbán says

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Polish factories hit hard by coronavirus in China

Children from a number of kindergartens in Dresden will be required to…

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Czechs have one of the most optimistic nations in the EU: Eurobarometer

Poll suggests that voter preferences may have changed ahead of elections

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EU enthusiasts who want integration on the cheap: opinion

This year is the 100-year anniversary of Hungarian military aid that helped…

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Gold purchases earn Polish Central Bank over $1 billion profit

European solidarity is gone in the blink of the eye when faced…

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Despite slowdown in growth of Western economies, Poland’s remains strong

Poland's presidential campaign and the clash over the freedom of speech

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New EU budget proposal could benefit Poland

Doctor Li Wenliang: "Goodbye my friends. God be with you Wuhan"

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New copper and silver deposits discovered in Poland

Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki declared that Poland wants to see Europe as…

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Polish PM: Western EU states make huge profits off newer EU states like Poland

Trump praised the Hungarian people in a phone call with Orbán

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There is no united EU economy: opinion

Talks between NATO ministers in Brussels also focused on Russia breaking the…

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S&P analyst: Poland’s economy strong but challenges lie ahead

Over 200 officers hit 20 locations simultaneously

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Poland has a strong mandate for negotiating EU budget: Polish minister

Andrzej Sapkowski’s 'The Witcher' novels have been topping German bestseller lists for…

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Poles pay more debt on phone bills and electronic devices than rent

Talks with Emmanuel Macron focused on cooperation and not criticism of Poland

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Poland must protect its entrepreneurs from France’s protectionist efforts: opinion

PM Orbán meets with Italian prime minister and leader of Brothers of…

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Macron plans to visit Poland, wants to improve dialogue

Stronger fence, more patrols

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