Tag: Poland

President Duda visits Polish troops stationed in Turkey

Plan raises the specter of Gulag prison camps

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Opinion: Can the Visegrad Four last?

The meeting between the Polish and Turkish presidents was closely observed in…

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Opinion: President Duda’s visit to Turkey may have been most important one this year

An anonymous University of Warsaw sociology graduate reveals the radical leftist theory…

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Polish students in the clutches of neo-Marxism

Did 2022 prime ministerial candidate Gergely Karácsony lie when he claimed he…

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‘Poland and Turkey have common goals as NATO members,’ says Polish president during state visit to Ankara

Germany could be facing a major crisis as the German government withdraws…

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What does post-Christianity mean for the Church?

What is going on in the minds and hearts of Polish opposition…

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Opinion: Opposition politicians in Poland are well aware ECJ ruling about Turów mine harms Polish security

The French population clearly has had enough immigration, but will politicians act…

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Polish company launches groundbreaking solar panel production line

Polish football star Robert Lewandowski has broken the record of legendary German…

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‘Yes! Yes! Yes! 41 goals!’ – Polish PM and president congratulate Robert Lewandowski on breaking legendary Bundesliga record

PM Mateusz Morawiecki declared that the CJEU’s decision was unprecedented and against…

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Ruling in favor of Czechia, the CJEU has ordered Poland to close the Turów coal mine

Hungary's veto of EU declaration on Israel was a legitimate move

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Brexit has cost Poland a billion euros in trade with the UK

Poland must draw vital conclusions from the German-American agreement on Nord Stream…

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Opinion: Nord Stream 2 is a double warning for Poland

Law and Justice (PiS) leader believes that the greatest risks to fulfilling…

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‘Polish Deal’ development plan may be impossible if pandemic isn’t defeated, says Jarosław Kaczyński

PiS MEP and former Polish FM Witold Waszczykowski believes that Biden’s administration…

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25% of Finns now work from home as coronavirus reshapes work across EU

The Three Seas project needs major funding for building infrastructure in Central…

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Countries outside Europe want to invest in the Three Seas project in Central Europe

Minister Przemysław Czarnek emphasized that Polish history must be presented truthfully in…

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The EU is an unlawful entity, and students will learn this fact during history lessons, says Polish education minister

President Joe Biden is to waive the application of sanctions against the…

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Massive power outage at Poland’s main power plant reveals major weakness in country’s energy system

The Russian president believes that difficult issues in Polish-Russian relations can be…

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Putin on relations with Poland: We should work on the principle of pragmatism

Italian author Gian Franco Svidercoschi released an open letter which contained six…

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6 questions for John Paul II’s assassin

The "Kulikikata Challenge" spread across Europe during the pandemic

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Polish PM hits the road to promote the ‘Polish Deal’

Hungary currently ranks fourth in the world

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Bad news on the horizon for Poland’s opposition Civic Platform party

Germany is Hungary's single most important economic partner

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Destroyed by the Nazis in WWII, Poland has new plans to rebuild the Saxon Palace in Warsaw

Salvini scores a major victory in his legal battles

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The long conflict over Poland’s judicial reform risks the United Right’s credibility

NGOs have been accused of working alongside people smugglers and in some…

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John Paul II’s bloodied cassock is on display in Kraków

The German Green chancellor candidate’s revolutionary proposals will put her party in…

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Could the Green Party crash the German airline industry?

According to Law and Justice politicians, the first draft of the bills…

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Poland’s conservative government launches ‘Polish Deal’ to achieve comparable living standards with the West

As the Formula 1 management reshuffles the summer schedule, the Hungaroring race…

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Robert Lewandowski matches legendary goal record in Bundesliga

The Visegrád Four alliance could come under pressure due to the rise…

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Czechia agrees with four countries on recognizing vaccination certificates

The head of the Supreme Audit Office (NIK) is using a state…

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Opinion: The private war between head of Poland’s Supreme Audit Office and PiS

PM Mateusz Morawiecki took part in the V4+ Coalition Pro Familia conference…

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Polish PM: We want to promote the family at the EU level

According to the latest poll by United Surveys, Law and Justice would…

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Poland’s conservative PiS party leads polls while Civic Platform sees worst result in party’s history

The Biden administration will not be as fully supportive of Israel’s actions…

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Hungary, Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia establish family-friendly coalition

Recent military exercise helped prove the local usefulness of the river craft

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Conflict in Israel could indirectly threaten Central Europe, warns former Polish FM

Prominent United Right politicians warn that the European Commission’s newest initiative is…

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European Commission wants to fight “hate speech” in latest project

The Turkish assassin responsible for the attempt on John Paul II’s life…

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Ali Agca: “Not everything has been revealed”

Professor of law and deputy of the Vox party Francisco José Contreras…

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Polish and Romanian armies increasingly on par with NATO allies, says Polish president

The rising tide of immigration through the Balkans route must be stopped

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Holy Mary figurine destroyed in South Poland

The pandemic has led to the development of digitalization and investments in…

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More than half of Polish companies plan expansions despite pandemic: report

Karen Donfried currently heads the German Marshall Fund

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Merkel’s successor claims Czechia, Poland and Hungary must ‘return to Europe’

Polish export remains one of the most important motors for the country’s…

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Poland is now third-largest exporter to Germany, overtaking US

The lawyers of pastor Artur Pawłowski point out that his arrest was…

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Opinion: Putin is pushing Biden into Duda’s arms

13,000 migrants have landed ion the island this year

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European Parliament supports PiS MEPs initiative to clear Baltic Sea of WW2 chemical weapons

Europe should be governed by subsidiarity and common sense

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Joe Biden to take part online in Bucharest Nine summit on Monday

Final preparations are being made on board three ships meant to lay…

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Construction of Polish-Norwegian-Danish Baltic Pipe gas project has begun

The Chief of the PM’s Chancellery Michał Dworczyk stated that Rafał Trzaskowski…

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Warsaw’s liberal mayor takes credit for achievements of others in fighting the pandemic

The largest social policy changes in the EU were carried out by…

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Polish PM wants more US engagement with Three Seas Initiative

Unknown culprits added a Hitler moustache to Popiełuszko’s statue, covered it with…

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‘Solidarity’ priest Jerzy Popiełuszko’s statue vandalized in New York

European Court of Justice advocate general has stated that Poland’s disciplinary rules…

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Donald Tusk’s former minister is working against Poland in the ECJ

Swift transfers and usage of long-range rocket artillery are the main objectives…

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30,000 troops to partake in Defender Europe 21 in Central and Eastern Europe

An Austrian prince mistakenly shot the bear back in March

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Polish poultry producers are losing the UK market due to Brexit

The results of the vote on the EU Recovery Fund proved that…

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Opinion: Both Law and Justice and Poland no longer need the Civic Platform

Famous former Soviet spy and Russian writer Viktor Suvorov says that most…

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Close to half of the staff in Russian embassies are spies, says former Soviet spy

According to a report prepared by the Religious Freedom Laboratory, Catholics in…

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Attacks against Christians in Poland grew four-fold in 2020

Embracing the good, rejecting the bad

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Polish parliament passes National Recovery Plan ratification bill with huge majority

The prosecution of Päivi Räsänen for her supposed hate speech against gay…

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Polish Border Guard breaks up organized smuggling group

The presidents of Poland and Estonia discussed military and energy security, the…

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Polish and Estonian presidents agree on military and energy security

Ten-nation NATO exercise began on May 3, the U.S. said

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Polish startup working on stratosphere drones which could replace satellites

The Open for Business organization’s report on the economic situation in Central-Eastern…

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The LGBT revolution is being presented as a recipe for economic success, but it’s simply not true

The presidents of Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine signed a joint…

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The pride of the Republic: the Polish constitution

Orbán, Salvini, Morawiecki have a vision for Europe

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Praying woman kisses LGBT activist’s feet on streets of Warsaw in stunning video

Over 120,000 non-hate crime incidents have been recorded since 2014 and even…

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Polish treasure hunters hope to dig up 48 chests of Nazi gold buried in Poland

“If we continue down this path, we will find ourselves in the…

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EU vaccination passport project is “authoritarianism,” says Do Rzeczy weekly editor in chief

The National Recovery Plan (KPO) will provide a very significant boost to…

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Value of EU recovery plan grants to Poland will reach EUR 24 billion – 4.5 percent of GDP

Poland’s defense spending has increased 60 percent between 2011 and 2020, according…

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Report: Global military spending on the rise despite pandemic

Green passports to be issued starting in June

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Nord Stream 2 nears completion as second ship begins laying final section of pipes

The agreement between Law and Justice and the Left party on supporting…

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Is this a defining moment in Polish politics?

Starting May 1, Polish economic and social life will slowly start returning…

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Poland to leave lockdown in May

Poland will turn to a combination of gas and coal power until…

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Poland will use gas power plants and rely on Russian gas to avoid energy crisis

"The benefits far outweigh the lost budget revenue," said Finance Minister Mihály…

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Opinion: Poland cannot leave the EU while stuck between Germany and Russia

The EU orders countries to add an ‘X’ option to the gender/sex…

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Poland rejects EU mandate to add third gender ‘X’ option to ID cards

The Left Party has broken away from the Civic Platform’s domination of…

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The Left backs PiS in passing the EU recovery plan in parliament

If migrants in Europe are sending less money home to family members…

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Poland’s Civic Platform endorses controversial European army

Polish customers were misled about where products were actually coming from

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Portuguese supermarket chain in Poland heavily fined for misleading customers about product sourcing

The Visegrad Group will work together as part of NATO and the…

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Germany is blind to Putin’s criminal policies, says former Polish foreign minister

As the radioactive cloud was spreading, communist news services took almost two…

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Leaders of the United Right: Poland’s coalition government remains stable

Poland has been a major producer of silver for years, but 2020…

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Largest silver mine in the world is located in Poland

The Vistula Spit canal is a major construction project to open up…

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Poland’s Vistula Spit canal enters second phase of construction

The EU is becoming increasingly irrational, writes political commentator Jan Rokita

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A ‘Jacobin spirit’ has seized Brussels

Despite worrying epidemic data, the country needs tourism revenues

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Poland: The third wave of the pandemic is weakening, says health minister

From a fairly simple criminal case, the death of George Floyd turned…

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Morawiecki calls for Germany to abandon Nord Stream 2

Russian propaganda: the United States, Poland, Ukraine and other Western countries are…

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Moscow is blaming U.S. and Poland for the situation in Ukraine

Planned emission limits are unrealistic and will further drive car prices up,…

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Hungary and Poland lead “European awakening,” Polish legal scholar says

The European Union is hindering the development of new nuclear plants, as…

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Report calls on Biden and NATO to bring Poland and Hungary back in line with liberal policies

Sweden faces a demographic and cultural transformation if it does not implement…

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Poland’s access to EU Recovery Fund may be delayed by months, warns Polish MEP

Will a conflict break out in Ukraine? Poland is preparing for the…

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The Russians are flexing their muscles, says head of Polish president’s National Security Bureau

The new Boeing 737-800s will be equipped with military, defense and encryption…

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Polish fleet of VIP Boeing planes to be completed soon

Experts claim that recent data on savings, wages and industrial production in…

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Report: Poles are exiting the pandemic with higher wages and savings

The EU plans to replace the canceled vaccines with Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines

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Foreigners are coming to Poland at a record rate

History Professor Grzegorz Kucharczyk of the Polish Academy of Sciences cites the…

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Democracy without values? A ‘dictatorship of relativism’ is rising, warns Polish history professor

One upcoming vote may decide the future course of Polish politics, writes…

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Polish politics: A risky game of playing chicken

Who wins elections is becoming increasingly less important, as the victor will…

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Politics have become a comedy that reflects our new reality

Success could rob the team of its Ukrainian manager, Rebrov

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Two dozen US fighter planes arrive in Poland

Polish President Andrzej Duda and the first lady commemorated the 78th anniversary…

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‘They chose to die with weapons in their hands’ – Polish President Duda honors 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising insurgents

Central Europe cannot turn a blind eye to Russia’s recent interference in…

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Smolensk catastrophe: Strong emotions in Poland as photos from Moscow’s morgue are revealed

People have had enough of coronavirus restrictions and want their former lives…

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Poland generated over €2 billion in foreign trade surplus since February

Attacks against Beata Szydło due to her nomination are a clear signal…

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Former Polish PM chosen to join Auschwitz Museum Council, and the left isn’t happy

The seed money to support Covid-19 orphans will came from the personal…

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