Tag: Poland

Duda and Tusk friendly chat caught on camera

Is French President Emmanuel Macron a socialist? Is he centrist? Or is…

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Kozlovska is back in Brussels

Prime Minister May left the Salzburg Summit humiliated and offended, but she…

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Trump praises Poland in his UN speech

The plight of rescue ship Aquarius is a showcase of European double…

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Church turned into a mosque in Germany

Car rental firm Hertz has turned 100 but it is a little-known…

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Poles are super-optimistic about their future

Hungary sees its identity as a bridge between the West and the…

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Hungary stuck between Christianity and Turanism

French President Emmanuel Macron is leveraging EU funding to blackmail Hungary -…

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Rebuilding diplomacy after the devastating “Sikorski algorithm”

The European Commission (EC) has referred Poland to the European Court of…

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Desperate move by European Commission over Polish judiciary reforms

A Ukrainian diplomat crashed into a bus with his SUV on Sunday…

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Remix editor on V4 and the Polish-Hungarian friendship

There are very few migrants in the Czech Republic, mainly thanks to…

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Kaczyński and Morawiecki lead PiS’s campaign

Although Pawlikowski’s “Cold War” took the Golden Lions at the Gdynia Film…

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Anti-clerical “Kler” sparks cultural clash in Poland

More than 100,000 people, including many Poles, attended the Mass led by…

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British tabloid showcases the true face of European leaders

Babiš might be a strong and sharp leader at home when he…

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The Pope in the Baltics

Should Ukraine expel a Hungarian consul, Hungary would "respond proportionately", says Minister…

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Poland advances to Developed Markets

“Poland is not yet ready,” says US Secretary of the Army Mark…

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Polish FM: first decisions on US base next Spring

President Andrzej Duda responds to criticism concerning his unfortunate photo during the…

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Duda tweets about the “mockery and assaults of leftist media”

Slovak institutions are preparing for the possibility of a hard Brexit in…

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Pentagon: Poland is not yet ready for a “Fort Trump”

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's sacrilege is that he dares to defend…

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Who can sit in the Oval Office?

Trump’s engagement with the Three Seas Initiative has brought it to new…

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A museum to be opened for the reconstructed Polish popemobile

Witold Sokała explains why the whole “declaration of strategic partnership” between Poland…

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Poland’s game with the US and Germany

Hungary's borders must be protected by Hungarians, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said…

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Duda in Washington: Words but no action

Hungary's largest commercial bank has issued a new hacker alert.

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Germany wants to fully participate in the Three Seas Initiative

During his White House visit, Andrzej Duda called for building a permanent…

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Duda: Let’s build “Fort Trump”

A catastrophic poll for the Polish opposition has been revealed. PiS is…

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Survey: PiS are six points up, PO are seven points down

USA and Poland will increase cooperation in energy and security.

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Strategic partnership between US and Poland

Hungary is still waiting for the EUR 54 million financing promised by…

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Women rule Polish cinema

Despite being a critic of Viktor Orbán I can't see the report…

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Nord Stream 2: A race against time

Hungary had to stand up for the ethnic Hungarian minority in Ukraine…

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17.09.39: The final solution to the Polish Question

A Facebook post by a conservative MP re-ignited the social debate about…

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Duda: Three Seas is a European and Transatlantic initiative

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Monday met executives of Deutsche Telekom, the…

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Twitter battle over Sigismund III Vasa in a “Constitution” t-shirt

Polish handballers cover Nord Stream 2 sponsor logos on their team jerseys.…

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Polish handballers cover Nord Stream 2 logos on jerseys

A new trend has come to Poland from the USA – “co-parenting”.…

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“Co-parenting” is a dangerous trend coming to Poland

Krzysztof Szczerski announces that a “very important document” concerning American-Polish cooperation in…

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Trump and Duda to sign “a very important document”

It may have been only seven minutes long, but the importance of…

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Duda spoke to Steinmeyer on Kozlovska’s case

Total spending in the booming Hungarian film industry reached HUF 108.2 billion…

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ACTA2 could spell the end of unlimited freedom on the Internet

EP says same brand products shouldn't put different ingredients into different markets.

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Legutko: Terrifying spectacle at the European Parliament

Speaking to Hospodarske Noviny, Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz emphasized good relationships…

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The European spirit of solidarity

Social Democrats give up on Miroslav Poche and nominate Tomáš Petříček for…

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Kozlovska is back in the EU

Poland will not vote for sanctions against Hungary pursuant Wednesday's decision by…

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Poles and Hungarians stand closer together

Hungarian oil and gas group MOL announced the construction of an EUR…

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Civic Platform’s u-turn on ACTA2

After strong criticism from the opposition, a presidential minister defends Andrzej Duda’s…

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Poland will not vote EU sanctions against Hungary

The European Parliament passed a report opening the door for sanctions against…

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Defending Duda’s claim that the EU is an “imaginary community”

The Budapest bomber who seriously injured two police officers on September 24th,…

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EP resorts to trickery to trigger sanctions against Hungary

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán defended Hungary's honor and the decisions of Hungarians…

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Czarnecki: We are against any immigration from outside of Europe

“Europe has found itself right in the middle of an ideological war,”…

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Europe stuck between liberals and fascists

Controversy around Netflix’s “The Witcher” as BAME (Black, Asian, Minor Ethnicity) actress…

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Political correction of Netflix’s “The Witcher”

The plenary debate in the European Parliament was not about the substance…

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A “September letter” from Poles to Hungarians

Should the Czech Republic offer asylum to 50 orphans who live in…

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What can Duda get from Trump?

Eurocrats are trying to use abstinence from voting against Hungary as they…

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Eurocrats trying to trick Hungary in the European Parliament

Grzegorz Schetyna unveils the new program of the Civic Coalition (KO) and…

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Civic coalition and its allies move to the left

The CEO of petrol giant Orlen accuses his predecessors of being guilty…

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Orlen CEO: They were stealing for eight years

Regulations are supposed to protect copyright on the digital single market, but…

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Poland is a Special Economic Zone

After producing a loss of 24 million EUR in a business year…

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Thousands are waiting for Polish jobs in New Delhi

Blogger Dominik Ognisty warns of Civic Platform (PO) election promises. He says…

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Civic Platform’s promises always turn out to be the opposite

“Law and Justice’s (PiS) victory will serve equality,” says Jarosław Kaczyński. The…

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Kaczyński: Our victory will serve equality

Hungarian PM shares private family photos on official Facebook page.

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Poles spent more time on holiday this season

Hungary's prime minister heads to the European Parliament to defend the country…

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Duda: A state is not the judges who feel above the law

The Polish candidate in Sunday’s Swedish parliamentary elections wants to help Sweden…

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It’s time to end Sweden’s insane migration policy

Dariusz Przywieczerski “the brains behind FOZZ” is to be extradited from the…

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The man behind the “mother of all scams” to be extradited to Poland

The Visegrád Four countries are the engine of the EU's economy, Hungarian…

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High-speed rail to link Visegrad region

Yesterday, PM Babiš failed to agree with Merkel on the redistribution of…

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Poland leads Top 500 CEE ranking

The Prime Minister of Lithuania Saulius Skvernelis is the 28th Krynica Economic…

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Lithuanian PM awarded Krynica Man of the Year

People who see hitting a woman as justified or someone’s death as…

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A slap in the face for good manners and common sense

It is not surprising at all that the events in Chemnitz, close…

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PiS in the lead before local elections

Dénes Kemény, the most successful Hungarian water polo trainer of all time…

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V4 launch Warsaw-Budapest high-speed rail study

Minister Laura Flessel made the surprise announcement of her resignation yesterday

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Catastrophic drought in Poland

Scandalous pamphlet in a primary school in Vienna encourages children to oppose…

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Marxist propaganda in Austrian primary schools

German and Polish experts to meet in Warsaw to discuss the issue…

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German and Polish experts on war reparations for Poland

The Budapest Opera House has announced a seven-month, 52 performance national tour.

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Henry Cavill to play Geralt in The Witcher

French President Emmanuel Macron asked Daniel Cohn-Bendit to be his new minister…

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The 28th Krynica Economic Forum

Jacek Karnowski warns of the dangers of having the Polish opposition claim…

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Newspaper editor quits after story outrage

József Nagy (Most-Híd) says it's not right that the European Union is…

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In defense of the constitution

The USA will defend only those European countries that are important from…

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Poland plans to build huge airport

The number of active doctors in Hungary was 39,132 last year, the…

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It was Germans not Nazis who attacked Poland

Former Polish president Lech Wałęsa walked out as President Andrzej Duda started…

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Wałęsa won’t listen to Duda

Talk openly about the problems connected with immigration, says German psychologist with…

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Friedman: The EU cannot ensure Poland’s security

While Social Democrats argue, Andrej Babiš leads the direction of Czech foreign…

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PiS bets on credibility

It would be pointless to discuss the European Union's budget for the…

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Italy joins Central European anti-migration drive

President Macron can only lose if he takes on Viktor Orbán and…

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Church alumni are responsible for the Holocaust, says Archbishop

The Polish Ministry of National Defense (MON) has announced an open competition…

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A shooting range in every county

The Hungarian Prime Minister will attend a session of the European Parliament…

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Are Ukrainians being taken advantage of?

Several hundred people took to the streets of Chemnitz in a march…

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“Pro Chemnitz” take to the streets

All sides are mustering their troops for the upcoming European elections and…

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Visegrád Group support Orbán and Salvini

German group Alternative Help Association (AHA) says rather than supporting migrants, they…

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Together with Duda, Trump wants to change Europe

Poland’s embassy is to return to Damascus as part of the government’s…

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Polish diplomats return to Damascus

Polish conservative experts and commentators criticize the idea of accepting Germany into…

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Poles are more than happy in Poland

Nine months ahead of the EU elections it became clear that Hungarian…

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No place for Germany in Three Seas Initiative

Agriculture Minister Petre Daea could lose his job over the inadequate handling…

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Polish actor to play young Polański in Tarantino’s film

Emmanuel Macron supports Germany’s Heiko Mass’ vision of foreign policy and goes…

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NATO investments in Polish airfields

The first official visit of president Andrzej Duda to the White House.…

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Macron wants to include Russia in European defense

"Above all, there is no dogma about approving the Multiannual Financial Framework…

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President Trump to receive Duda at the White House

Record low water levels revealed the remains of a U.S. bomber in…

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Riots in Chemnitz

Parliamentary chair Andrej Danko (SNS) believes that members of parliament should not…

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Talk of Polexit is hogwash

Heiko Maas, the German foreign minister says it is time to think…

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Poland in the new world order

Berlin has put forward a proposal for Germany to take part in…

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Berlin to cooperate with Three Seas Initiative

Eva Rezešová, whose reckless drunk driving killed four innocent passengers in a…

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Poland’s economy is booming

Miloš Zeman has broken his silence over ignoring the commemoration of 1968.…

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Polish deputy PM: ECJ verdict may be ignored

Berlin and Moscow will work together to block certain elements of US…

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Radom Air Show 2018

Overall confidence in the Czech economy rose by 0.4 points to 99.1…

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Germany with Russia against USA

With six gold, one silver and two bronze medals the Hungarian team…

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Poland is pressing US on Nord Stream 2

Central European countries should carve their own path and the best way…

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