Tag: EU

The European Green Deal will lead to a centralized system of power unlike any before it

Justice Minister Judit Varga says certain governments want to keep criticism of…

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EU to maintain Article 7 procedures against Poland and Hungary

George Soros “has his tentacles all over the place and has enormous…

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Poland’s Belarus plan gets EU support

Hungary has opened three new synagogues this year as it seeks to…

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Czech MEP: Coronavirus being used to centralize EU at the expense of nations

"Our view on migration is clear: Europe most protect its borders, and…

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The EU will break any treaty to punish Poland over LGBT issues, says senior Polish MEP

PM Orbán says experts see second wave peaking in December-January

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Donald Tusk: We are witness to the birth of a new EU which has nothing to do with treaties and procedures

Coronavirus cases keep rising in most neighboring countries

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The West won’t save Belarus

Hungary's armed forces modernization effort is bearing fruit, László Szemán writes in…

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This is why Poland faces a ticking time bomb with joint EU debt

Polish-Hungarian alliance is united by goals and strategy, which also accounts for…

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Europe faces an Islamic invasion

The cultural revolution initiated by the Radical Left threatens freedom of speech…

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Three Seas countries will receive over a third of EU budget funds

Poland could become "terrorized, marginalized and colonized" if EU federalist powers grow,…

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If Poland wants to remain in the EU, it must be prepared to leave in 4 to 6 years

Jacek Komuda has refused to apologize for a short story he published…

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Analysis: EU funding isn’t tied to rule of law issues despite claims otherwise

Leader of the radical right Confederation party, Krzysztof Bosak, accused the ruling…

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Germany made a good deal at the EU summit

Five churches were set on fire by BLM activists in the U.S.…

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EU leaders fail to reach agreement after three days of summit negotiations

Survivors of both the Nazi concentration camp Dachau and the communist-era Recsk…

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Recession in Poland will be shallowest in the EU

Poland's dirty election campaign

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Germany to address migration during its EU presidency, says Ambassador Israng

Czechia identifies eight safe non-EU countries

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Opinion: Poland and Germany are making a mistake by not working together

The chances of Duda winning second round are looking good

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Belgian historian warns Poland that ‘every gift from Brussels and Berlin comes with a catch’

In an op-ed, Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga says 'orchestrated political offensive'…

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Hungary, Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia find common ground concerning EU Reconstruction Fund

"Let us stop this fresh madness," Ottó Gajdics writes

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Czech Republic sets priorities for EU presidency in 2022

13 out of 20 most peaceful countries are in Europe, making it…

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Opinion: Why does European neo-colonialism affect Poland?

Radical Left anarchists are responsible for violent protests

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Poland: President and PM say Europe needs new stimulus for economic growth

PM Orbán says it is a case of "the poor financing the…

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EU recovery fund battle not over yet, says Polish minister

The doctor received Hungary's Pro Universitate Prize

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PM Morawiecki: Poland cannot be treated as the lesser Europe

The latest attempt by the Senate to delay the election is dangerous,…

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EU is doing bidding of socialists by targeting Hungary and Poland, says Polish MEP

Romania recently made a national holiday out of a World War I…

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EU ‘misers’ holding up the German-French deal will agree to it in the end: opinion

Two illegal migrants from Afghanistan who hid in a truck full of…

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Hungary, Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia’s leaders discuss rebuilding EU economy with Angela Merkel

Hungary has now fixed gender into law, meaning even those who partake…

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Globalist left-wing forces have staged a vile attack on Hungary: MEP Deutsch

In 2020 alone, about 1,453 boat migrants reached the UK

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Polish PM Morawiecki calls for more financing for EU farmers in letter to European leaders

Millions of Eastern European citizens are returning to their home countries from…

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Top German court slams EU in historic decision, finds EU Court of Justice lacks authority over German national law

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó will summon five Nordic ambassadors over letter…

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Coup in Poland: Moscow, Berlin and other foreign powers attempting to overthrow Polish government

The political drama associated with the presidential elections is intensifying in Poland.…

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Coronavirus: Poland is 1 of 5 EU countries where pandemic isn’t weakening

New Polish chief of justice makes one of his first orders of…

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Nearly 300,000 migrants granted EU asylum in 2019

The situation does not require radical steps, says PM Babiš.

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Why the EU needs to focus on PM Morawiecki’s 3 key issues of production, budget, and support

President Andrzej Duda enjoys the support of 59% of the vote while…

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EC President von der Leyen admits EU underestimated coronavirus, praises Czechia and Poland

Von der Leyen acknowledged the EU's slow start in the crisis

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France, Russia, the EU, and Germany want to weaken Poland, says influential Polish writer

Hungary is putting an extra tax on multinationals and banks to pay…

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Should we be grateful for the EU’s coronavirus aid?

20 asylum seekers tested positive in the Ritsona camp but fears are…

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‘We underestimated coronavirus’ says head of European Commission as EU shuts its borders

Poland’s National Bank (NBP) chief, Adam Glapiński, said that a recession in…

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EU has abandoned Italy in coronavirus fight, says Poland’s former FM

Poland, like all of Europe, is racing to save its economy

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Are coronavirus and the migrant crisis Europe’s perfect storm?

These Budapest actors are fighting the worst cultural calamity ever

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AP: Europe is not ready for migrant masses

Germany says it will take in up to 1,500 migrant children and…

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Polish migration policy will depend on Poland’s new president: opinion

Key CDU politicians are calling for more migrants and even saying Merkel's…

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Czech diplomat appointed head of European Defense Agency

Hungary's largest bank posts €1.22 billion net profit

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Poland ranks close to the top in EU military spending

"Third time's a charm," PM Orbán says

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Erdoğan accuses Greece of killing two migrants

5 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Czechia.

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Czechs have one of the most optimistic nations in the EU: Eurobarometer

Poll suggests that voter preferences may have changed ahead of elections

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Zuckerberg discusses ‘regulations’ with EU vice president critical of Hungary and Poland

US Embassy threatens to launch a trade war against Czechia

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V4 foreign ministers to meet their Balkan counterparts in Prague

Cohesion and investments are Czech priorities

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Czechia blocks EU resolution condemning Trump’s Middle East plan

Every eighth person in Germany is a foreigner

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Risk of poverty in Czechia at record low

The complete ban on flights to and from China will be effective…

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Brexit complicates Czech police operations

Women and older people are the most concerned

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Czech troops set to join terrorism fight in Africa

NK diplomat and Czech companies involved in banned trade

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Czechia mulls accepting 40 child migrants from Greece

In November 2019, for each €1 Poland imported there was €1.137 exported

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A powerless EU is America’s vassal: opinion

Aborigines understand Australia better than the environmentalists

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The climate movement is in trouble, but that’s good news: opinion

Czech patients now have a better chance to find donors

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Babiš: The EU must keep its promises

Francis II Rákóczi, leader of the anti-Habsburg uprising

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Polish exports growing faster than rest of EU

Two Czech films made it to the Academy's shortlists

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Czechia convinces EU to accept nuclear power as carbon-neutral

Moja is still a favorite of the public

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Czechia to become center of EU’s space program

The siege became a symbol of Western resistance to Ottoman rule

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Klaus: Brexit problems show Czexit would be irresponsible

It was the second deadliest attack Czechia has ever experienced

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A new chapter in EU-Polish relations after Michel-Morawiecki meeting in Warsaw

Hungary will fight for Hungarians living beyond its borders.

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EU takes action against Islamic State’s online activities

Czechia needs pesticides to handle bark beetle calamity.

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Tusk will earn more as EPP leader than he would as Polish president

Polish-Lithuanian relations flourishing.

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Living large: Tusk spent more than €100,000 on champagne in 2018

Mayors of V4 capitals clash with central governments.

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Europe will gain from the US and China trade war

Budapest was voted Europe's best destination for 2019 by a travel website.

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Tusk calls for protests in Poland

2018 saw the highest number of deaths in Polish society since the…

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Morawiecki: The best scenario would be no Brexit

In the long run, the EU is going down the road which…

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Tusk honored for “confronting his home nation”

Prompted by the government's unexpected tax on banks and other high-margin sectors,…

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Falling Empire of Rationality

Theresa May remains committed to the outcome of the referendum, even she…

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Europe in a changing world

The death of Paweł Adamowicz may lead to further escalation of political…

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Western Europe vs. CEE: “Fifteen” shooting at “five”

While the position of France and Germany will be strengthened by the…

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Salvini-Kaczyński talks “exploratory,” says minister

Róbert Zsigó, State Secretary for Food Chain Supervision at the Ministry of…

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Salvini sees chance of “Polish-Italian axis”

Romanian tennis player turned businessman Ion Țiriac praised Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor…

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Krasnodębski: European Defense Fund is an opportunity

2019 marks 20 years since the common European currency was introduced.

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Why does Warsaw support Kiev?

Former Polish FM, Radosław Sikorski has released a book about issues such…

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The blunders of Juncker and Tusk

Government-operated social media is just as prone to mistakes as any other…

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Morawiecki calls for EU reforms

Polish F-16s are taking over the NATO Baltic Air Policing mission, as…

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Tusk’s wishes backfire

With the scaffolding removed, residents of the Hungarian capital had their first…

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Tusk receives a pay rise

Poland’s “Dar Młodzieży” (Gift of the Youth) frigate is anchored in San…

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Island for unwanted migrants

Hungary has so far managed to keep the African swine fever away…

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Eastern Europe safer for Jews than the West

French President Emmanuel Macron is neither willing nor able to effectively tackle…

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“Protests in France are the rage against Macron,” says Czarnecki

The fact that barely a month before Romania assumes the revolving presidency…

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The surprise growth of the Polish economy

The liberal approach to migration fails to comprehend the crucial issue that…

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Verheugen defends Poland

Hungary wants to see a Europe based on cooperating nations, not an…

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US threatens Russia with sanctions over NS2

The 26th Camerimage Festival in Bydgoszcz, northern Poland featured a special screening…

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If Merkel leaves…

PiS councilors in the Podkarpackie Voivodship are preparing an act to turn…

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Czaputowicz: Europe should unite, not divide

Hungary must protect its cultural identity amid the current turmoils of European…

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Czaputowicz: Europe should unite, not divide

Hungary must protect its cultural identity amid the current turmoils of European…

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Macron tries to divide V4

Temperatures are running high as celebrations of the 100-year anniversary of Polish…

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The anti-Polish case of Róża Thun

More than half of the Polish population are in favor of “Fort…

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Babiš not sure about signing Marrakesh agreement

Polish organized crime police have been questioning a former member of a…

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Hundreds of thousands of foreigners receive Polish residence permits

The engagement of Polish citizens was lacking during Poland’s municipal elections. Adrian…

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What the hell do you want, Germans?!?

A recent security conference in the Romanian capital Bucharest displayed clear signs…

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How Merkel faced the migrant crisis

Following a decision made by the Hungarian government gender studies will not be…

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Duda urged Germans to abandon NS2

A high mountain trekker cat has been spotted in the Polish Tatra…

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Director Svoboda: The EU aims to destroy nation states

Russia criticized the decision to remove the Monument of Gratitude to the…

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“We are pro-European,” says Kaczyński

A plate commemorating the opening of the Polish representation in the European…

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