Tag: Politics

Latest poll is bad news for Donald Tusk

The Institute for Social Research and Market IBRiS asked the following question…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Donald Tusk opposes pay raises for Polish politicians despite earning 17 times as much while president of the European Council

The president’s ordinance concerning pay raises for Polish MPs, the prime minister,…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Polish parties opinion survey: United Right surging, Civic Platform down – the end of the Tusk effect

Portal wPolityce.pl has published the latest survey on voter preferences carried out…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Corruption scandal emerges around Hungarian leftist MEP

Reports are surfacing that Hungarian European Parliament MEP Katalin Cseh’s former company,…

John Cody John Cody

Tusk’s goal is to paralyze the Polish state

Rafał Ziemkiewicz spoke in Republika TV about the latest developments in Polish…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Hungarian spy story follows a well-worn path

“Viktor Orbán using NSO spyware in assault on media, data suggests,” proclaims…

John Cody John Cody

Polish PM Morawiecki: No risk of ‘Polexit’

During a recent meeting, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki was asked whether he…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Biden-Merkel summit: Germany does not accept United States’ plans

Both sides are in agreement concerning matters which are written into the…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Two-thirds of Hungarians favor a Europe of nations

According to the Center for Fundamental Rights, the main question in the…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

EP proposes to withdraw Hungary’s funding due to child protection law

Slovenian Council presidency turns to borders, migration

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The useless ones – commentary

European Commission has NOT rejected Hungary's recovery plan

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The Greens are planning to rob Germans of their freedom – commentary

Le Pen will temporarily hand over leadership to Bardella

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Marine Le Pen elected National Rally President for fourth time

He will concelebrate the closing Mass of the Eucharistic Congress

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Romania gives Donald Tusk highest civilian award

PM Rutte: "In my opinion, they have no business [being] in the…

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France: Macron’s party faces uphill struggle in regional elections, Le Pen underperforms

Previous growth potential could return as soon as next year

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PM Orbán: The ‘liberal steamrollers’ are once again at work against Hungary

In what appears to be the type of rhetoric that led to…

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We Hungarians reject attempts to influence our children with LGBT propaganda

Unfortunately, these are just facts, says PM Babiš

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Israel’s new PM takes office by the slimmest of votes

Green politician elected chancellor candidate

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Identifying the hidden networks of the global elite: commentary

Belgium's justice minister vowed a crackdown on sexual assault after the case…

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Salvini continues push to establish European alliance of right-wing parties

Chelsea assistant coach Zsolt Lőw followed head coach Tuchel

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Court should reinstate former Transylvanian bishop’s state award

There may be terrorists among migrants

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Social media leads to lack of trust and division, says speaker of Hungarian parliament

Fears grow in Macron's government that he is losing support of the…

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Opinion: Both Law and Justice and Poland no longer need the Civic Platform

Famous former Soviet spy and Russian writer Viktor Suvorov says that most…

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Is this a defining moment in Polish politics?

Starting May 1, Polish economic and social life will slowly start returning…

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The end of Merkel’s epoch

Jagiellonian University professor and writer Andrzej Nowak believes that Poland, together with…

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Polish politics: A risky game of playing chicken

Who wins elections is becoming increasingly less important, as the victor will…

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Politics have become a comedy that reflects our new reality

Success could rob the team of its Ukrainian manager, Rebrov

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Government crisis defused in Romania, fragile coalition remains in place

Part of a larger exercise encompassing three countries

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Romanian government crisis deepens

Hungarian Zsolt Német elected head of political committee

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Hungary’s Fidesz joins Council of Europe’s conservative ECR group

French philosopher and popular news commentator Eric Zemmour says that the left…

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Leftist resistance to the ‘European renaissance’

The first Orbán government did the most for the country's EU entry

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No matter what alarmists say, there will be no Huxit

As the number of vaccinated rises, Hungary could return to normal

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EU-thanasia – commentary

State aid to families rose 2.5 times since 2010

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Only 1 in 5 Hungarians believe the opposition is fit to govern

Dante Alighieri would be labeled a religious fanatic, islamophobe and homophobe by…

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Viktor Orbán receives “nation’s mirror” for Fidesz’s birthday

Austrian chancellor demands fair distribution

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Salvini, Meloni want Fidesz in their respective EU parliament factions

Following a new proposal from PM Viktor Orbán, MEP Ryszard Czarnecki discussed…

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The EPP chose mass immigration and left-wing values, writes Hungarian minister about Fidesz leaving the group

Poland may have won the dispute, but who will give Poland back…

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Romanian president praises ethnic Hungarians on March 15 for first time since taking office

Pope Francis endorses Vatican's position that priests cannot bless same-sex unions

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Hungarians and Poles are linked by their yearning for freedom, says Hungarian president

With German federal elections to determine the country's next leader on the…

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German regional election defeats shake Merkel’s CDU

Could a free press die under a left-wing Hungarian government? One party's…

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Donald Tusk helped create current Ukrainian situation – commentary

Number of viruses in individual samples 15 times higher than in previous…

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Germany’s ‘mask scandal’ leaves CDU/CSU with confidence and identity crisis

Hungarian cabinet minister responds to opposition criticism

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The jackals of Brussels

Last year's economic data shows the Hungarian economy is more resilient than…

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The European Commission has become illegitimate – commentary

Longest-serving minister coins new political term

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PM Orbán is defending European civilization, says French author Zemmour

Due to the young age of the migrant rapists, they received only…

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Hungary must rebuild the European-democratic right, PM Orbán writes

Shops and schools close, border controls increase

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To make PiS’s changes in Poland lasting, the ruling party needs a third term

By producing the coronavirus vaccine designed by America's Novavax, Poland will join…

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List of Hungary’s most influential women includes two of the government’s cabinet ministers

The impact of Fidesz leaving the EPP could have bigger repercussions for…

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Fidesz’s departure from EPP will deepen EU divide: report

RMDSZ, the party representing the Hungarian ethnic minority in Romania, urges the…

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RMDSZ won’t follow Fidesz’s departure from EPP, but is worried about lack of dialogue in the party

Following a change in rules in the EPP, Fidesz announces it is…

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Should we really be ashamed of being White?

Other regional nations are also considering using the Russian vaccine

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The PiS and PO war over VAT is an opportunity for Hołownia

White males should not be ashamed of what they are

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The EU is left out and left behind

Hungary's football stadium planned separate entrance for VIPs but said it wasn't…

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Hungary’s PM Orbán says East-West cooperation needed in new economic era

Dr. Roman Joch makes his predictions for the year

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Who is leading the EU?

The advisor said that making a child belong to a church is…

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Zemmour: Populist right’s election victory in Portugal is a backlash against immigration, political correctness, and globalization

Although Germany and Russia have discussed joint vaccine production, Hungary is being…

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Portugal reelects center-right President de Sousa but populist contender surges

In a surveillance video leaked by the police and seen millions of…

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Storm clouds lie ahead for Germany’s new CDU leader

The countries that make up the Visegrád Four alliance have seen their…

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Orbán and Macron are the new European axis

Pragmatic policies are expected to dominate Germany in the future despite Merkel…

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Merkel era set to continue without Merkel

Following the Polish example, PM Viktor Orbán announced that Hungary is dropping…

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Vendetta – commentary

Empty agenda, vague promises

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Giuseppe Conte may even benefit from the current government crisis – commentary

Hungary was right to seek alternative sources

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Trump Heights settlement to keep its name in Israel’s Golan Heights

Center-right coalition ready to take over

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Survey: Who do Poles believe is the 2020 ‘politician of the year’?

Political stability and low tax rates keep the country attractive

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Italian opposition gathers 100,000 signatures calling for the resignation of PM Conte

Three persons planned an attack on a Muslim place of worship using…

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The most important fight of the 21st century is against globalism

The form of the Church established by the greats such as John…

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Despite pandemic and opposition efforts, Poland remains politically and economically stable

However, the complaint should not jeopardize the contract

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Joe Biden’s presidency could threaten the stability of Central Europe

Migrants will have a new reason to stay in Europe after a…

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The battle for the soul of the European People’s Party

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's wife talks about the importance of charities

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Former finance minister appointed to form Romanian government

The liberal-left media is trying to instil disgust for Christmas among their…

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The meaning of being European

“No matter what someone says or thinks - abortion means killing a…

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Politics should be used to give people hope

Czechia expects the European Commission's statement by the end of the year

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Hungary and Poland’s victory against globalism

The joint Polish-Hungarian victory forced the spirit of globalism back in the…

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PM Orbán: Hungarian minority’s new role in Romanian government could improve bilateral relations

RMDSZ will have three portfolios in the center-right Romanian government

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PM Orbán: Manfred Weber has insulted the Hungarian people

PM Orbán says that Weber has proven unreliable and wants to export…

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The party is adrift- commentary

The case of Hungarian MEP Tamás Deutsch shows that that the EPP…

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EPP sanctions MEP Deutsch but he remains in the faction

"I am a bigger enemy of mainstream European politics than Viktor Orbán"

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MP for Romanian minorities is a convicted man

Adrian Merka was sentenced to one and a half years, suspended, for…

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The EU has become a hostage of George Soros

The European Commission is hostage to Hungarian-born American billionaire George Soros, political…

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Romanian PM Orban resigns after election result, but may still head the next government

Minority center-right government the most likely outcome of the elections

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Orbán has won the migration debate

The inclusion of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Politico's most influential Europeans…

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Hungary may not remain in the EU, hints Politico in its new power ranking

Politico ranks Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán fourth on its "doers" list…

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Hungarian MEP was probably targeted by secret services, former spymaster says

There is a life-and-death struggle with Brussels and the Soros network.

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Hunting season on conservative Hungarian MEPs is on – commentary

Hardly an accident, forcing Szájer's resignation was planned

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Once elected, EU Commission President has turned her back on Hungary

New Commission has so far been strong on bureaucracy but weak in…

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Hungarian MEP scandal: why him, why now?

Others attended. Why was he the only one named?

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French philosopher: Trump didn’t launch any wars and restored the economy, but the French media still hates him

Following an Islamic terrorist attack in Vienna, a new EU 'Big Brother'…

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Hungary is treated like ‘a black sheep only because of its rejection of immigration’, says Justice Minister Varga

Poland is weathering the second wave of the coronavirus incredibly well

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Moldova elects pro-Western politician Maia Sandu as president

Major news networks and publications are taking heat for failing to report…

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Brussels’ double standards are the greatest enemy of the rule of law – MEP Szájer

But the second wave of the pandemic will result in a double…

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Donald Trump did not divide America

The Prime Minister sent a letter to EU leaders in which he…

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Ukrainian police close criminal case against Joe Biden

Amber alert in Sicily, but migrants are exempt from movement restrictions

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Serbian President Vučić reluctantly congratulates Joe Biden

Biden was in Hungary at the suggestion of his Democrat colleague, Hungarian…

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Joe Biden spent his second honeymoon in communist Hungary

The protests and riots triggered by Poland's new abortion law are not…

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More Czechs support right-wing parties than left-wing ones: survey

Kujtim Fejzulai was sentenced to 22 months in prison

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